The Present Of Past Persisting In Future

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"Oh! Dear. Start a new life with new beginnings, as it will help you in forgetting your past. "
-said my father.
Yeah.. Again these words that were easily spoken by someone and made a burden on the other..
Gazing the sun with naked eyes isn't that hard when my eyes were full of tear and courage.
I decided to give some time to my thoughts which were really hard to control and pen down all the emotions which was making my mind restless.
What I understood was that all the time we are busy correcting people instead of understanding them. We are busy distracting a broken soul rather than just hugging and comforting someone by making them think yes what you are feeling is right. It's ordinary!!
It's not something you should be ashamed of.
We all have forgotten one thing that one day a time will come when everything is yours but still you won't find happiness.
It is said that never think about your past and always focus on your present..
But nobody will ever teach you that one day something bad may happen in present that will gradually become your past and will persist forever in future because this is something negative. We are living in an era where everyone will share positive thoughts but no one will ever come to you to teach you how to fight with negativity..
Yes, everyone is a warrior not because they have seen the sun but because they have been looking up to the sky to beat that sun even on the cloudy days. Years will pass but it won't fade away, it will persist with you forever and when someone will make us believe that forever is a lie that courageous soul will be knowing the truth forever wasn't a lie until it was just linked with humans and not memories.
I haven't learnt from my past till date and I know like every other being I will be falling again but this time the difference will be that my fall won't be that deeper..
The cuts won't be bleeding this time. The heart won't be thumping this time, it would be beating normally. The eyes will be knowing how to hide the true feelings and people won't be hurting again that much.
Truth won't be that bitter this time and simple smiles will not make you happier. The fake mask of people won't be heart breaking this time and the love won't be heart throbbing this time.

Even the time won't be majestic this time, when you will learn the people who are yours aren't yours the very next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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