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Weeks went by without any bad news also the kingdom was back to normal. We were officially back to or usual selves .Unfortunately I was angry, upset more than anything.
Because a certain 5'4 curly head stubborn woman wasn't by my side when I woke up.

"GOOOD MORNING" Talia busted in.
I swear her ignorance in not knocking......
" Today you have to get packed for the trip."


"I know your not sleep."


"Ana's here she's down stares with some man."
"What man ?!" I rosed up To her laughing.
"Nahara is here but there's no man."
I rolled my eyes and got up and went straight for a morning piss.

After I'd freshen up and walked the halls the people looked at me like I was unusually happy . heading down stairs I saw nahara and of course kaiden places on her hips.
My loves.
"Hey beautiful." Kissing nahara cheek.
"Morning to you too." She embraces me in a short hug.
I looked down at her bags.

"Going somewhere?"
She rolled her eyes handing me kaiden.
"You invited us to attend this important trip."
I smiled at her full lips and curly hair. God I'm missed her even though she was just here yesterday. If I didn't marry her soon I'll kill myself.

It's true I only bought them because of what happen , I couldn't leave them
Unattended. Nahara may be a powerful witch but she can't defend herself and kaiden well at least I still find her weak in my eyes. She's capable of so much things.

We walked out the castle leaving Talia and Riley in charge while Natalie and Cody came along. We were going by train and boy was it fun I adored train trips.
A thousand year old man saying he loves train rides.
I turn to nahara who was seated next to me. It was rare shes read my mind but I found it kinda attractive.
I said i 'adored' them not I loved them and stay out of my head.
You left your mind link open for the first time I see.

I didn't reply I just closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep for this six hour drive. We couldn't teleport there do to it being a 'one way in one way out' place. You had to have the special word of where to teleport to besides I love family time.

"Exactly why does it smell like shit here?"
I sighed
"Perhaps it's your odor." Nat say while slapping Cody upside the head.
"Seriously.... keep your hand to yourself."

"Enough you two." I walked between there nonsense. I hate traveling with children.

 I hate traveling with children

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"We're here."

"And exactly where is here?" Nahara asked with a sleeping kaiden on her shoulder.
"This is we're lycans originated from although it have changed so technology the human world created. It use to be a really shitty place."

"A shitty place you say."
Everyone turned their attention to what seem to be the Alpha himself.

"Yea you heard me a shitty place."
We both started laughing.
I walked up to him with my hand  held out as he shook it.
"You two know each other?" Cody asked
"This man here... now a king he once was a man who I fought side by side when I was a pup. We even fucked the same bit-"

"HEYYYYY nahara this is my old friend Mason , Alpha of silver tooth pack. He's a decedent from the first dark wolfs."

"And Mason this is nahara ....the one I was telling you about.
My eyes widened.
"It's really nice to finally meet the woman who'd agree to have this idiot children ,Oh my congratulations and this must be the young pup." Nahara smiled, still staring at mason.
"Yes that's kaiden."
He smiled at kaiden opening his eyes.
"How time have went on... you all must be tired come let me show you where you'd be staying."

4:30 pm

"This station has over ten bed rooms you should find comfort here and damon when you've settled in come ,well have our meeting at the pack house

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"This station has over ten bed rooms you should find comfort here and damon when you've settled in come ,well have our meeting at the pack house."

Nahara pov:
Once we all got settled in it didn't leave Damon no time to question me.
"Exactly why were you looking at mason like that?"
I looked up to a confused Damon.
"Like what ?" He stood putting his shoes back on.
"Like you wanted to jump the man"
Rolling my eyes. I started unpacking Kaiden clothes and put them away.

"Damon, your jealous."
His face as always had a hint of anger.
"Jealous?" He mumbled.
He stalked over in two large steps without removing eye contact.
"I didnt like how mason was staring at you."
"Staring at me ? If anything he was staring at Natalie."
His face held some weird emotion.
"Are you jealous?"

He broke eye contact leaning down to take kaiden in his arms. He didn't speak taking that as a hint he was. "Besides I'm here with you." He looked up from kaiden staring down into my soul.
"Yea but you're not really with me."
We just stood there until realization kicked in. Grabbing kaiden back into my arm he fixed himself up.

"And trust I don't get jealous."
With that he walked out the room.

MARRIED TO THE DEMON KING: chasing shadowsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora