Chapter 23 - Vine Bottle.

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Dec 13, 2019

What would you do for love?

The person on the other end had said 'hello'. A connection to the world was found. A sudden relief passed through her, it was a deep sigh. Her heart sounded louder than it had even had in ages. The girl had picked up the phone, a friend of an old time, a best friend once, and then on one later.

"Hello, Ashley, It's Josea." Josea said as slowly as possible. The blood was rushing through her veins. The only thing she wanted to hear was her friend to talk to her, help her. She would thankful to her her whole life. "Hello!" she whispered again.

No sound from the other side, she was scared, she brought the phone in front of her to see if the call was still connected. It was. So why didn't the person on the other end answer her. Was she still mad with her?

"Please Ash, talk to me, I'm in trouble here." Josea said. She looked towards the kitchen, Maan had moved from the fridge to lower cupboards. A vine bottle could be any where. He would know where the vine bottle would be if it was his house, but it wasn't. It wasn't his house. He had called then at a place which he might have rented for a night. It wasn't that hard to get a place like this. He moved from one cupboard to another. Good, he wasn't finding it. She had asked for the right thing this to gather some time.

After a moment of pause, the voice was back again, "hello Josea." It was Ashley speaking this time. She had responded to her friend's call even though it was being called on Maan's phone.

"Ash, Bruce is dead, Bruce is dead. Maan killed him, he is going to kill Scott." Josea said. Her hand was paining, but she couldn't think about that now. That pain did not needed the attention right now, she had to convince Ashley of what she was trying to tell.

"What? Are you serious? Where are you? Did you call 911 already?" Ashley said. Her friend sounded worried now. "Please tell me, have you called 911 yet?"

"No, I haven't. I did not now what to do, I got hold of his phone and your's was the first number that I dialed. Ash, Simon is bleeding. If he doesn't get any medical help he is going to die. Simon is really going to die, Ash. Please do something."

She looked in the spot light on the kitchen, Maan had found the vine bottle. He might turn at any moment now.

"Ash, I got to go. He is coming." Josea said, she hurriedly kept the phone between her thighs below the dress. It was safer there, even if he saw her untied hand, she could -- She hadn't cut the call yet, so kept it going. Maan was about to turn, she saw. She quickly kept her hand on the handle of the chair.

Maan walked with a vine bottle and two glasses in his hand, he also had a cap opener in his chest pocket. Blood was on his tie, his shirt and pant. He needed to clean himself. She could ask him to clean his face so both can have vine together. But would it work?

Too late, he was already near her, he was not sitting on the chair in front of her. The same old chair with the same old cushion.  The owner of the house had a good taste after all. It was comfy.

He kept the bottles on the table beside. With one hand he picked up the bottle cap opener and held the bottle with his other hand.

Had he seen her free hand?

She could snatch the cap opener and hit him with it. This was the closest that he would ever be. Most importantly he hadn't even seen the free hand. So she would go for this chance.

"Rain," Maan said. He looked at her in the eyes. It was filled with sorrow and horror. She was scared for her life, for Simon's life and now for Scott's. Who else was down in the basement?

Did Debra and Joseph arrive before her? She had no idea. She only knew Bruce and Scott were coming, as they were in constant contact with her and Simon. But it was a surprise and she hadn't known the exact time of their arrival. But what about Debra and Joseph?

"Are you scared?" There was as sound from the basement. It was loud this time, the first two times it was faint, he had gone to check and things seemed to work out well. But this was louder and before.

It must have been Debra and Joseph, and if they could make sound which meant they were safe and could her if she attacked Maan now.

He looked towards the basement door but did not move. He was holding the vine bottle and the cap opener with not that tight. She could grab it if she tried. Without any other thoughts she lifted her hand.

Her hand was paining, with a force she caught hold of the vine bottle, the cap opener was too far to reach, her stomach was tied to the rope. She saw him turn in shock, the vine bottle was out of his hand.

"What the --"

Thud. She hit the bottle end of the vie bottle to his head. She closed her eyes as she hit his head. The impact was too intense, it broke. The glass vine bottle broke on his head and blood started to flow from it. He fell on the floor.  She saw his 'no this can't be happening' expression, as he lay there. She was still holding the handle of the bottle in her free hand. She could stab him in the neck, but her hand could not reach that far.

She threw the vine bottle with a force towards him, it hit his chest and fell beside him.

What now?


The phone.

She put her hand between her thighs and caught hold of the phone. The call was still connected.

She heard the basement door open with a sound and some one came out of it running.

"Ash," Josea called.

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