chapter 3: academy island.the hidden passage to red fox dormitory.

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Jaden and the other students had all landed on academy island and Jaden was searching for his dormitory.
Sadly finding it wasn't as easy as he thought it was.
The reason for why is because it was in the forest of the island and hidden within the tree's. Before leaving the entrance exam Jaden tried to give naruto his kunai knife back but naruto insisted he kept it because he would need it to find his dormitory.
Jaden was lost. He didn't know where the dormitory even was.
Naruto then appeared behind him and said.

"So I see you found the forest okay. But have you found the dorm room yet???."

And Jaden said.

"No I haven't. Where is this place anyway???. And how do I get to it???."

Naruto then said.

"Why not just try looking above you???."

Jaden then looked up above him and up in the trees he saw a large house big enough for four people!!!. Jaden then said.

"How The heck is anyone supposed to get up there!!??.
That's more than 30 feet off the ground!!!."
And naruto said.

Look around you Jaden. Find the tree that fits the object in your hand. And you will find the place in which we stand."

An Jaden asked.

"Just what exactly is that supposed to mean professor???. I don't understand??. Will you stop speaking in riddles and just show me already!!!."

And naruto said.

"Your a smart kid Jaden.
Try thinking it over and you will be able to find the right answer."

Naruto then vanished in a Puff of smoke and left Jaden to figure out the riddle.
Jaden then said to himself.

"I guess the riddle has something to do with this strange knife he gave me.
So all I have to do is find a tree around here that has the same shape and symbols on it.Now where could it be???."

Winged kuriboh and flame wingman then appeared and pointed towards a clearing up ahead and as Jaden came to the end of the path he saw a large tree with a symbol of the knife he had in his hand.
It then occurred to him that he found out what the riddle meant. He then placed the three pronged kunai knife in the slot and realized that it was like a key that fits a doorknob. He then turned the kunai points upwards and the tree opened up revealing a staircase.once Jaden got to the top of the stairs he saw naruto sitting at a table having a bowl of ramen. Naruto then said.

"Greetings Jaden Yuki. And welcome to the red fox of nine tails dormitory. Your the first person of three lucky students to actually be part of this particular dormitory.
It's not just any students I will pick to teach personally.
Before we begin. Show me every single card in your deck."

And Jaden said.

"Okay. But why exactly do you want to see all of them???. What do you plan on doing with them???."

And naruto said.

"I'm going to be testing you to see how strong your Bond between you and your duel monsters are. If I flipped all of the cards over in a random order and you could identify each one correctly then I know that I've chosen the first of three students wisely.
Now let's begin."

Naruto then shuffled Jaden's Deck and without looking at them placed them in a random order face down.
Jaden then said.

"Okay I don't get it. How am I supposed to know what card it is if I can't even see it's name???. Or what type of card it is without looking at it??."
And naruto said.

"I have a feeling you already know which cards are which Jaden. This test will tell me if I'm right. It is a test to see if you can actually see the monsters you have in your deck without drawing a single one of them. Now tell me what card this is."

Jaden's hand reached for a fusion card and without seeing it said.

"That's... elemental hero thunder giant...and the one next to that is.... elemental hero...mudball man...and this is... flame wingman... that one is Sparkman that's clayman. That's bubbleman those are burstinatrix and avian. That's skyscraper and hero signal... wait... how did I know all that without even looking at the cards!!??."

And naruto said.

"Well it seems like I was right after all Jaden. For some reason you have the ability to do what most people have only dreamed of doing. Your able to see and hear your duel monsters aren't you???."

And Jaden said.

"Um... yeah I can. But how did you know that???. How did you know I was able to talk with my duel creatures???."

And naruto said.

"The same way I can see and communicate with All of mine. You share a Bond with your Deck so strongly that I've only ever seen one other person able to do that. That person was the king of games duelist himself.... Yugi Moto.
He had what is called the millennium puzzle. When he completed it his soul and the soul of the pharoh. Atem. Merged. They were bound by the threads of destiny. And were able to part ways with each other after Yugi Moto beat the pharoh in a duel for him to move on to the next life. With the spirit of the pharoh free Yugi Moto had a new found confidence in him that helped him learn a valuable lesson from Atem.
And that lesson was to always believe and trust in the heart of the cards. And in yourself. To one day stand on your own without any extra help accept for the people around you."

And Jaden said.

"Oh I get it now. So your saying that because I've always believed in my deck and trusted them completely I'm able to see and hear them???. That's so cool!!!.
How are you able to see duel monsters as well professor???."
And naruto said.

"Sorry Jaden. But that's my secret. Some stories are best left untold. And that's one story I'm not sure I feel like telling right now. Today's lesson is over. Tomorrow you will study for the beginning of term exams while I search for the second student to join our dormitory. Pick any room you want. Just stay away from the one that has the symbol of a red spiral and leaf symbol on it. That's where I design all of the cards I create for the kaiba corporation and local Domino city card shops.
Perhaps if you do well in your studies I'll let you know how to make your own unique signature card.
But seriously. Stay out of that room. There's several secrets from my past you don't need to know about. Good night."

And so with that fair warning in mind Jaden hadn't thought anything of it much at all until he went to bed. But what happened after that. Well. you could only guess what happens to a curious teenager right???. That night Jaden got almost no sleep as he couldn't stop thinking about what his professor could be hiding about himself that he didn't want to tell anyone else. One thing was certain. Now that curiosity had gotten the best of him. Jaden wasn't going to stop until he found out what naruto was hiding. But little did Jaden know. It's a secret he would soon regret ever finding out.

naruto:the shinobi duelist of academy island (ON HOLD FOR A LATER TIME)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt