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Andrea sat in the cafe as she waited for Isla to text her back. Maybe it was a bad idea to tell her about her father after all. She was going to find out sooner or later. Wouldn't it be better for her to find out about it from someone close and not just a random police officer that walked through the door?

A sigh passed her lips as she waited for her Chai Latte and Chocolate Chip muffin. Andrea gazed out of the window of the shop. Staring off into the clouds and dreaming of who knows what. She was so far gone that she barely registered the soft twinkling sound of the front door opening or the gentle warmth of a body sliding into the seat across from her.

A hand was waved in front of Andrea's face. It made her snap back into reality and away from her world of dreams. It took Andrea a moment to focus on the person in front of her. A smile broke out on her face when she realized it was their friend Pele.

Pele was one of the most beautiful people that Andrea had ever seen. She had long black hair that fell to the middle of her back. She had almond eyes, full lips, and tan skin. Pele had came over from Hawaii when they were all around 10 years old. She instantly entranced everyone around them with her gentle nature, beautiful history and a different flower in her hair everyday.

She was one of the most beautiful people that you could meet. Both inside and out. Which is why it came as such a big shock the day some boys in their science class played a prank on her that went completely south. During one of the chemistry labs in their 10th grade year, some boys thought it would be funny to knock over a beaker that had a flame burning under it. Their intention was to burn her notes. Instead, they managed to set a flame that burned her lab coat into her skin. The lab coat was burned into her hand all the way to the lower part of her neck.

Pele was rushed to the hospital instantly. Those boys got expelled for the year. The experience had traumatized Pele for the school year after that. She went from her cute flower printed dresses to long sleeved turtlenecks. She wouldn't tell stories and refused to wear her flowers in her hair. The bright flame that burned within her seemed to have been extinguished.

Andrea remembered the day that she and Isla approached Pele. They showed her that everything was going to be alright. Nobody was out to harm her. It was a long process but they finally convinced her to break out of the shell that she had wrapped around herself.

It had been two years since she broke out of her shell. She didn't mind when people looked at her scars or when they asked her how she got them. She only changed her demeanor when somebody tried to make snarky comments or if she was around a fire. Otherwise, Pele had completely come back into herself.

"Pele! How have you been?" Andre said with enthusiasm. Pele's smile faltered a bit as she looked around the cafe. She looked a bit shaken as she leaned in to Andrea. "Andrea. I need to show you something. You and Isla are the the only ones I can trust."

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