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A little bit later in the day...

A little bit later in the day

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Changkyun was walking towards Jooheon's dorm

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Changkyun was walking towards Jooheon's dorm. He decided to go anyways. It was very obvious that Jooheon's tweet from earlier was what was really bothering him. Kyun didn't want to be too pushy with Jooheon and force him to tell him what happened. He had some time to think on this and had a scenario in his head of what might have happened. So either way if he told him or not he was gonna go make his friend feel better.

As he approached the building he put in Jooheon's code at the lobby door that he knew by heart. And walked up the stairs to Jooheon's floor. As he approached his door he was getting ready for a grumpy Jooheon to answer knowing he had told him he wasn't feeling up for hanging out.

He knocked a couple times. He heard shuffling from behind the door until finally it opened slightly and he saw Jooheon's head poke out.

"I told you I wasn't feeling well." He said with a straight face.

"I know but I wanted to visit you anyways to make sure you were fine." Changkyun said and pushed open the door. "Plus I brought you some of the leftover mandu they put aside for you and a bottle of soju that survived."

"Hm." Jooheon plopped himself on his bed. He didn't have a couch since his dorm was a studio apartment and was very small.

Changkyun went to his desk and took everything out of the bag and walked over to the microwave to heat it up. He went back with plates and shot glasses for the soju and started serving Jooheon.

"What if I wanted to save it for later." Jooheon said pouting as always.

"I know you and I know you probably haven't eaten all day cause you've just been here sulking."

Jooheon narrowed his eyes at him and snatched his plate. He was right.

"Cut the attitude and let's talk." Changkyun said chewing on his food.

"About what." Jooheon snapped back.

"Dude, I'm not stupid and I know your tweet was about Minhyuk. I was one of the last people to leave the party and youuuu were still there with him in his room," Changkyun said as he pointed at Joo with his chopsticks. "And I know that's why you're not feeling well."

Jooheon rolled his eyes, "You're so fucking nosy why is it any of your business."

"You're my best friend and you're obviously sad about something... and what do best friends do?"

"Look I appreciate it but," Jooheon trailed off. He didn't want to seem like he was being an asshole to his friend but the truth was he couldn't tell him what he was really feeling due to it having to do with him.

"What joo..." Changkyun asked as he dragged the chair closer to Jooheon. He looked at Jooheon and started to give him puppy eyes, "Pleaseee please just tell me."

Jooheon sighed, "Yea it was about Minhyuk. But I don't like him or anything if that's the idea you had."

"Then if you don't like him why are you so upset?"

"It's stupid..." Jooheon was looking down at his hands now unable to think of how to say it without mentioning his feelings for Changkyun, "We almost had sex but he didn't want to so basically he rejected me. And I know I just said I didn't like him but it still made me feel undesirable nonetheless."

"Oh," When Jooheon mentioned having sex Changkyun felt his stomach drop. It was the same feeling as when he walked into him kissing Minhyuk last night. He didn't know why this information made him feel this way but he shook it off.

"Yea, see? Stupid," Jooheon picked up his laptop, "Let's watch something."

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