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Jungkook's POV:

When I got back home, I couldn't stop thinking about her. The fact that I got to see her up close and in person, at least, I've never gotten to be in front of her this close before... and it makes me nervous, yet, excited?

"Why would someone so disgustingly disgraceful do such a thing to such a sweet and innocent person..?"

I was nervous, confused, and my heart was beating too fast for me to think properly.

"I mean... she's so precious, and— and adorable— and her cute round eyes— gosh, the way they just sparkle, and, h—her cute little smile!"

'Ah... there I go again...'

My lips fell into a frown as I stopped myself from getting head over heels again, mumbling to myself, "I just don't understand why she would get treated in such a way..." sighing, "why do people have to look at her in such a way... she's perfect in my eyes at least." Thinking for a moment as I continued to confront my thoughts while looking into the mirror, "society's so... screwed up these days. It's hard to hear something from someone and not ignore it... especially when it's just way out of line, or flat out uncomfortable."

After brushing my teeth and finishing up to get ready for bed, I put on a pair of pants and hopped into the comfort of my soft sheets.

The more I thought about everything that took place tonight, the more I got deeper into the rabbit hole.

A small 'ding!' from my phone caught me off guard, immediately reaching towards it and opening it up to a message.

'It worked?

It... it worked! It's her!'

To my surprise, I opened up to a message from Fifi thanking me again, and I couldn't help but flip out on the inside.

I simply replied back to her and quickly made sure to add her to my contacts.

'Add 'Crush 😳👉🏻👈🏻' to your contacts?'

[Add]   |   [Cancel]

At this point, my heart was doing somersaults, and it wouldn't stop beating. All I could hear was my heart going wild, and it wouldn't stop, as much as I waited for it to calm down, it never did.

I didn't want to admit it to myself... and I kind of hated myself for it since I was always the shy type up until two years ago... but, Fifi has been my crush since I've graduated High School. Funny enough, luck was on my side for once to bring her to the same University I'm attending... now look at me.

Ever since I laid eyes on her, my heart just melted. But after I saw how she was being treated by others, I couldn't help but pity her... I wanted to do something right, but I couldn't find the courage to.

Yet, luckily today, I was able to do the right thing. Though, I don't want her to know... that I've had a crush on her for a while... I kept myself contained for the time being.

'W—WAIT— did... did I make it obvious that... I—I... I like her?'

"No... I couldn't have. I was more formal with her than I'd ever been, really... or, at least I think so," I started to freak out again, "oh no... what if I was... too formal?"

I was frustrated for a good minute and then managed to just let it go, slowly. Though I couldn't sleep all night because of it, my heart managed to somewhat calm down. 

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