My Family Got Robbed Because I Played Too Much ROBLOX

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Hi, I'm Tate, and I'm 15 years old. This happened 2 years ago.

I've been playing ROBLOX since I was 9 years old. I had several ROBLOX girlfriends, though I stopped online dating when I realized it was bad.

Anyways, I was just playing Vampire Hunters 2 when one person referred to me by my real name instead of my character's name. I was shocked; I never ever said my real name on ROBLOX!

I lied and said "that's not my name". Then the guy said "well you look like a Tate to me" which was a relief, since I was worried that I was doxxed or something.

Then he said "and I'm guessing you're from Canada" which shocked me even more, since I am from Canada and currently live there! I immediately closed the ROBLOX WINDOW, then took off my shirt and freaked out, screaming.

I put my shirt back on, but I continued to freak out, and I freaked out so much I blacked out... When I woke up, I noticed my family was having dinner downstairs and it was spaghetti, which is my favourite.

I joined in, but suddenly we heard the door opening and around 5 mysterious men dressed in dark brown or black clothes stormed into our house.

All they did was take our old VCR, which had just been sitting there broken, untouched, and gathering dust for around 8-10 years, and we never even bothered to fix or replace it this whole time!

They left a note saying "you're welcome, dingdongdestroyer69" which was my ROBLOX username! I went back to the computer in my room and found out my ROBLOX account got a private message from the same creep I met in VH2, and it said the same thing it said on the note.

I immediately wet myself on the spot out of fear. I put my hand on the mouse, but then got electrocuted, and blacked out. I then woke up at the hospital. My family was concerned for me. They were happy once I woke up. Later, they left the hospital room to give me some space.

I just laid in bed alone, watching La La Land on the TV. I didn't remember how I got here, so I asked the nurse how I did. She explained what my parents told her when they were admitting me into the hospital.

Everything immediately came back to me. I then was told there was someone wanting to visit. It was Nevaeh, a girl from my school.

Nevaeh said she had a drug addict older brother who couldn't hold down a job and that she paid her older brother to have some of his friends commit a small, quick robbery. Apparently, one of his friends had a younger brother who was friends with me both in real life and on ROBLOX, so he used his younger brother to get the info.

Anyways, after that my parents got a new VCR; the robbers at least got the broken one out of our way. I still play ROBLOX today too, and nothing like this has happened ever since.

Have you ever been through something as crazy or nonsensical as this?

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