chapter one

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         It was the summer of July 12, just three more days till my birthday. Yet, I had nobody to celebrate it with other than myself. I knew this was because I'm anti-social and I'm an insane person for wearing black on the hottest days. But what I'm most worst for, is for having a person's back.

     I learned that back when I was in the 7th grade. My former bestie soon-ah was a total pain in the neck. She complained about everything. One time when I was at a sleep over with her, all of our classmates were playing 7 minutes in heaven. It was my turn and the bottle picked her 3rd crush. "Don't do it!" She mouthed. I was worried. " if you don't do it, we're going to make fun of you for the rest of our lives" Jung pak-jun said.

      I decided to kiss him because who wouldn't want to not get bullied? When that happened, she just ignored me. But this year. This year is going to be different.

     In a month, school was going to start.  Amazing for me. Not so much for my dog. "Come here fire!" Fire, my German Shepard mix, came up to me and gave me a kiss. " are you going to miss mommy? " I asked her.

      Fire barked and ran away. "Guess not" I said. I got up from my bed and I went to the kitchen to cook something. I went to the cabinets and I grabbed my ingredients. I ended up making steak and I ate it with my cup of cold water. I grabbed my plate and went to the kitchen to eat and I put on NETFLIX to binge watch something.


I waited outside of her house. "MEGAN! I'M SORRY. CAN YOU FORGIVE ME?" I yelled into her house's window. she was an American/Korean girl. Her parents speak and are korean. She is American. She cam do it and she pouted. "Im never going to!" She was doing agaeyo on me. I hate it when she does that. I put on a fake cute face and I pouted.

     "Please? I'll promise to love you more  every single day!" I was annoyed. "No! Cuter!" She said harshly. That's when I decided I had enough. "That's it! Don't pretend that I am the bad guy. You're just mad because I caught you cheating on me and I yelled at you for it! Don't bother trying to talk to me or don't even dm me!" Okay. Maybe that was all a bit harsh but I'm my defense the girl was cheating on me.

     Like jeez woman. What do you expect from me? I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a good guy. I'm just your normal average Korean student. There's nothing wrong with being that. Megan snapped and she went all crazy on me. She started blabbering on about her ex friend and nonsense.

(Swipe down for page 2)
Thank you so much for reading! Make sure to follow my other account to see my books! I love you so much! Bye meh army's and meh blinks, peace out ✌😚✌



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