Page 2, The less you know the better

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"I'm so late!" You said under your breath. You ran as fast as you can to Sung Joon high school. "What's even the point of running. I'm 15 minutes late" You said. I walked through the park of Seoul city and ran to school.

      "I'm so sorry Mrs.-" I immediately flushed when you saw Mrs. Lee smiling.  "Just in time Park Y/N. This is out new student. Min Yoongi. Care to help give him a tour?" I wanted to say no, but I knew I would get in trouble if I disagreed so I nodded and smiled.

      (YOONGI POV)

     I saw someone walk through the door. Mrs.Lee was smiling in a 'I am going to kill you but your a student' look. "Just in time Park Y/N. This is out new student. Min Yoongi. Care to give him a tour?" By the look of her face, I knew she didn't want to even look me in the eye, but instead she just nodded and smiled. "Now to along now Min Yoongi." I smiled. Everyone was staring at me.

        I walked to her. I smiled and bowed.  She walked out of the class room and waited for me. "Hi." I said awkwardly.  She smiled.  I figured she was uncomfortable. So I decided to do something about it. "You look like a duck" I said. "YAH! you look like planet of the apes!" I was shocked and smiled . "She speaks!" I laughed. She chuckled. "So you laugh to?" I smiled. " Yup, I got the full package " she smiled. "So your Min Yoongi?" She said. 

      I nodded. "Your Park Y/N?" I said. "Yeah, I guess you would already know that by the total disaster I made." I laughed. "You probably wanted to be with your friends" She smiled but than stared at the floor. "Are you okay?" I asked. " Oh- yeah. Sorry, that's kinda my thing " she said. "This is classroom the rest of the floors are just classrooms. This school has thirty-two classrooms and we have one cafeteria." She said. "How many floors are there?" I asked. "There only three"

      The rest of the trip was just boring. I tried hard to pay attention but I just couldn't. Instead every time y/n said something, I just stared at her for five seconds. "And that is the whole school. Have questions?" She asked. I laughed at what I was going to say.

      "Are you the one I kissed at the party?


I immediately froze up. "That's was you. Oh-wow. " I laughed, but in the inside, I was dying up of embarrassment. "Yeah. Are you still friends with Megan?" I got quite. "Actually no, she was mad that I kissed her crush. Anyway how are things with you and Megan?" I said while walking towards our class.

He choked and laughed. "The less you know, the better"
And for some reason, that made me feel awkward.

Thank you for reading this book! If you follow me or like my books from my other account ameli_bts , I will give you a shout out and follow you on Instagram if you have it! Bye meh army's,and meh blinks, peace out ✌😘✌

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