Chapter 3: A Duel To Stay

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Crystal Girl ^^^
Olivia's POV
I woke up early the following morning and rubbed my eyes wondering where I was but then it all came back to me so I scrambled out of bed and ran straight to my desk to look at my deck 'was it a dream or not?' Crystal girl then appears in front of me again and I whisper "So it wasn't a dream" she giggles and shakes her head "No Olivia it wasn't you can really see spirits it's actually quite the gift" I smile at Crystal girl "is it ok if I call you crystal ?" She nods and my smile widens "Then you can call me Liv ok?" She nods back "Sounds good but you need to get ready for your classes" I groan but go to get ready anyway starting my morning routine then getting changed into my uniform before making my way to class. But I decide to knock on the boys door to see if their ready to go either but I tired Syrus who is still in his pyjamas opened the door. He looks up at me and shrieks running back into his room screaming "We're gonna be late come on Jaden Get up Get up" I laugh and exuded to help Syrus out since Jaden is on the bottom bunch I crouch down and gently shake him. "Come on Jaden wake up There's not gonna be much duelling action if you stay in bed all day." He then shoots up into a seating position shouting out "Duel where?" He then looks to his right and sees me but he then sulks "Aww why did you trick me" i then giggle "I didn't if you stay in bed you won't see any duels compared to if you get out of bed" he yawns, nods his head and gets up. I then walk out of their room saying "I'll meet you outside" Luckily it doesn't take long for them to get ready and we make our way to class.
Olivia's POV
We're currently in Crowlers class and I'm bored but he's just asked Alexis to name our all of the different types of cards 'Well Best of luck to her'
"Duel monster cards can be split into normal monster cards, fusion monster cards, ritual monster cards, Effect monster cards, Trap cards and spell cards. Trap cards can be divided into Continuous Traps, normal traps and counter traps. Spell cards can be divided into normal spells, continuous spells, equip spells, Quick-play spells ritual spells and field spells"
Crowler claps his hands with a grin on his face "Perfect! Well done Alexis of course I don't expect anything less from one of my obelisk blues"
Alexis nods "Yes Doctor Crowler"
Said doctor begins to look along the slifer students currently we're sat Syrus, Me then Jaden. Crowler then asks "Now who shall we question next? You Syrus Truesdale" Syrus shrieks at the sound of his name and stands up. Crowler then struts over "Explain to the class what a field spell is, please" Syrus begins stuttering "umm a field spell is um is the thing that effects the thing uh" an obelisk then shouts from the back row "Even pre due let's know the answer to this one slifer slacker. Most of the class then begins laughing at the slifers but Jaden leans over me to syrus "You got this Sy" but Crowler heard "I think not now would anyone like to give me the answer preferably some one not wearing red thank you" i clenched my hands at this 'Syrus has anxiety it's not his fault he can't speak in front of the class' Syrus then mumbles "I blew it I made all the slifers look bad" Jaden then looks towards Crowler "Y'know something teach you really shouldn't go and make fun of us slifers like that I mean I'm a slifer and I beat ya so when you make fun of us your actually making fun of yourself too" I then look at an enraged Crowler and decide to speak up "He's right plus if you really want to know a field spell has the advantage of being able to change the entire state of play for its controller's or for both players' side of the field." Crowler then bites his sleeve in rage as he looks at me and Jaden.
Olivia's POV
Our next class is with professor Banner 'Should be better than Crowlers class' Banner then introduced himself and what this class would be about "I specialise in the lesser known techniques of duelling some that a few may even consider to be magic. Duel alchemy..." I hear a yawn from beside me to see Jaden about ready to drift off to sleep but before I can comment Syrus leans over to us "Thanks you two" Jaden replies in a sleepy voice "Sure no problem." I smile at Syrus and say "Hey what are friends for" Jaden then says "Wait what for" Syrus then says a little too loudly "For sticking up for me !" The teacher then turns to us and Jaden looks forwards "uh oh looks like I might have to do it again in a second" banner then gets our attention "Syrus" said slifer shrieks again and stands up but the teacher puts a smile on his face "Would you please grab pharaoh please" Syrus then looks confused "Pharaoh?" Banner then smiles "Unless you are minoring as a scratch post" I then pick pharaoh up and leave him on the desk as lessons Carry on as normal.
Olivia's POV
Our next lesson was gym class a very enthusiastic teacher stood in front of us "Good Morning class I'm your gym instructor Mrs Fonda Fontaine. Are you ready to sweat ?" I then whisper to Jaden who is next to me "Do you know where Syrus is ?" Jaden whispers back "I was gonna ask you the same thing" I look at Jaden feeling slightly worried for our friend but he pats my shoulder "Don't worry Liv he'll be fine"
Olivia's POV
Turns out Syrus just got lost and the day carried on as usual I was doing my homework when I saw Crystal girl appear next to me "Hey Crystal what's up?" She looks slightly worried "Your friends are in trouble" I stand up slightly alarmed "what do you mean their in trouble?" She then heads to my door "Follow me" I run out the door and follow Crystal but she suddenly vanished near the lake ant I see Jaden getting into a boat "Jaden where are you off to?" He jumps but turns towards me "Syrus trespassed into the girls dormitory and I'm getting him back" I nod and jump into the boat with him "In that case I'm coming with you" he nods and we begin rowing to the Obelisk girls dormitory.

When we get there we see Alexis and two other girls with an upset Syrus "Hey Jaden, hey Liv" I give Syrus a sad smile as Jaden asks "Hey so what exactly is going on here" Syrus then looks down "Well uh to make a long story short I'm basically a big loser" a girl on Syrus' left then stares at me and Jaden "Your friend here trespassed into the girls campus" I gasp slightly "Is that true Sy?" Syrus then turns to the girl "Hey it's not like that" the girl on Syrus' right then looks at me and Jaden "And now that your here Jaden, Liv you two are trespassing too" Alexis then turns from Syrus to us "That's right and if you don't want us to turn you in your gonna have to face me in a duel." I then look to Alexis and say "Alright then let's get this party started!"

We all then row out into the middle of the lake me and the boys in one boat, Alexis and the two other girls in the other Alexis then asks "Ready ?" I look right back at her "Damn right I am" we both then shout "Duel!"
[A.n. This is gonna be my first ever duel that I've written so can you let me know what I can add to it plz thank you]

Alexis: 4000 LP
Olivia: 4000 LP

Alexis goes first "Alright let's see, I summon Etoile Cyber [Lvl: 4 ATK: 1200 DEF: 1600] and I'll place a card face down"

I then draw a card "Alright my turn"
I then look at my cards
'Alright a decent start'
"I summon the monster Fire Hand [Lvl: 4 ATK: 1600 DEF: 1000],
Now Fire Hand attack her Etoile Cyber. But Before the attack connects Alexis shouts
"Hold it right there I activate the trap card Doble Passé this changes your attack to a direct attack on me"

Alexis: 2400 LP
Olivia: 4000 LP

"But my monster you were about to destroy can attack you directly. Oh and when Etoile Cyber conducts a direct attack her attack points increase by 600" Etoile Cyber [Lvl: 4 ATK: 1200 —>1800 DEF: 1600]

Alexis: 2400 LP
Olivia: 2200 LP

'Damn Sacrificing her own life points to get to mine'
Alexis then asks
"So you impressed ?"
I just smile
"An impressive move but your gonna have to do more if you wanna beat me"

She nods and draws a card "I play Blade Skater [Lvl: 4 ATK: 1400 DEF: 1500] and I activate the spell card Polymerization to fuse  Etoile Cyber and Blade Skater together to summon Cyber Blader [Lvl: 7 ATK: 2100 DEF: 800] Now Cyber Blader Attack Fire Hand with whirlwind rage!"

Alexis: 2400 LP
Olivia: 1700 LP

I then draw a card "Ok my turn and since Fire hand was destroyed in battle I can destroy your Cyber Blader and that allows me to summon Ice Hand from my deck to the field! I then summon Solar Flame Dragon [Lvl: 4 ATK: 1500 DEF: 1000]
"I then place 3 cards face down and end my turn"

Alexis then draws "My turn, Next I'm going to activate Monster reborn to bring back Cyber Blader. Cyber Blader [Lvl: 7 ATK: 2100 DEF: 800] I then turn to the boys "You might want to brace yourself" Alexis then launched her attack "Now Cyber Blader Attack Ice Hand"

I then shout out "Not so fast, I activate the trap card Ring of destruction!"
Alexis then gasps "No way"
I then continue "And I equip it to your Cyber Blader Now we both take damage equal to that monsters Attack points" the ring explodes causing smoke to rise everywhere I then hear Syrus behind me "Did she just lose the duel!" I then shout out "Of course not Sy, because I activate the spell card Ring of Defense meaning I take no Damage from the attack. Now I activate the spell card Final Flame which causes you to lose 600 Points of damage" The smoke clears to see 3 shocked Obelisks and a spinning ring of Defense.
Alexis: 0 LP
Olivia: 1700 LP
"Game Over!"
Jaden then jumps up to his feet and wraps an arm around me
"Alright great job Liv!"

We then row the boats together and discuss what happened
"Alright I won which means non of us get into trouble"
Alexis nods
"Aright guys a deals a deal we'll keep quiet about what happened here tonight" but Alexis' friends don't look happy
"Well I think we should turn all three of them in right now" Alexis then turns to the girl
"Well no one asked you, Olivia Beat me in a duel fair and square and that's all there is to it" Jaden then crosses his arms
"Nah there's more to it than that"
I nod
"He's right it was a close match you've got a lot of skill Alexis"
We then sit down in our boat and Jaden rows us back to shore and eventually back to our dorms.
'Huh what an interesting day once again'

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