Chapter 1

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Important Message:

OMG!!! Here it is guys, the first chapter to the sequel!!!! Let me know what you think. If any of you want the ending to Merewolves, please let me know. I'm taking a poll to see if I should put it up for one week before Watty Awards. Let me know. Luv y'all and enjoy. <3 Harley


I could see my breath as I exhaled into the frosty air. I watched as the foggy substance floated off into the gray sky, until I could no longer see it. 'Kale I hope you are all right.' I thought. I have been searching for the last month with my dedicated warriors. Mike and Demetri being by my sides with Carter and Andy not too far behind. We had moved Karin and the kids to a secure neighbor hood somewhere in British Colombia Canada with the Two Tails pack. My mother and the remaining Merewolves moved to a hidden location not too far from the castle but too close for my liking. Ever since that dreadful night that Kale was abducted from right beside me, I had become an emotionless animal.

I was no longer the sweet caring girl that I first was. I had allowed my wolf to have full control whenever we attacked a coven of Vampires. She mercilessly ripped them to shreds; no male, female, or child vampire survived when my wolf had her way. I would only come back to my senses when Mike and Demetri stopped me, or when I saw a dead child. I would then, and only then start morning for my lost child and its missing Father. I heard a twig snap, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked down to the white forest floor below me, from my hiding spot in a tree.

My eyes narrowed into slits as they focused on a small Vampire coven with one male and three teen girls stopped to take a break. A man that looked to be in his late twenty's spoke first. His deep baritone voice echoing off the trees even though he whispered. "Are you alright girls?" He asked nervously; three heads nodded as a reply. I could have almost laughed at how scared these Vampires were.  

"Where do we go now Father? Mom is dead and we have no home!!" The youngest wailed; she looked to be around six or seven. Bloody tears flowed freely down her snow white cheeks as she mourned for her worthless mother. The other two stayed strong and held it together for the sake of their Father as he knelt to comfort her.

"Shh, it will be alright Emily." He cooed as he brushed her light brown curls away from her face. He pulled her close as she started to sob. Bloody tears stained his light blue dress shirt he was wearing. He stood up with her allowing me to see that the man had to be about six foot seven with dirty blonde hair that was cropped short. My nose alerted me that he was a half breed of Vampire and Human, allowing him to have flawless tanned skin. The youngest daughter wore a light blue dress with white socks and black buckled shoes. The other two wore similar dresses and shoes except one wore a light pink, while the other wore light yellow. All three had curly brown hair, clearly taking after their mother in the physical category.    

The adrenaline that had been pumping through my veins began to burn my muscles as I restrained myself from pouncing on them. If I did the whole plan would be pointless. Demetri, Mike, and I all had the same plan that the six of us followed. The five of them would burn the house that the leeches lived in down, chase them out to me in the forest, and we would kill them. The odd time they would kill one or two before they got to me because they would have been directly involved with Kale's kidnapping. If I were to get a hold of them, there would be nothing left for us to burn.

I quietly pulled my bow off my shoulder and swung it around in front of me. Straightening myself from my crouched position, I walked along the slim limb of the tree before hopping onto the next one. My bow had gone from being all black, to black with blue flames ever since the day I executed Elder Ronald. I could've got a different bow, but it was my Father's before me, and it reminded me of Kale, so I couldn't possibly destroy it. It also was a pretty wicked looking bow if you asked me. I drew an arrow from under my jacket a set up by bow. He arrow was dipped in a substance called Vanpec. I had made it with a few witches when we were up British Colombia. Vanpec contained Mercury, Holy water, and a pinch of garlic. It was like wolfsbane for us Merewolves; does not kill, but does great damage.

I leapt off the balls of my feet and landed gracefully on the next branch. I began tip toeing down the branch when a piece of snow slipped off and landed on the man's head. Startled, he looked up and hissed when he saw me and my bow with silver arrows dipped in Vanpec. He showed his fangs as he pulled his daughters behind him, handing off Emily in the process. "What are you doing here you evil Mutt?!" He sneered. I growled before running the rest of the way to the tree trunk.

"You perfectly know why I'm here Sir. Your wife abducted my King and my mate. She served her punishment, and your children will meet the same fate, and you will have the pleasure of watching the show if you don't tell me where he is." I stated calmly.

"I did not help her with her crime. My children have nothing to do with this, so why are you punishing them too?"

"It's quite simple Rhett." His face fell in complete shock, then to fear for his children as he snuck a glance behind him. "That's right. I know everything about you and who you are. Your wife's name WAS Tanya; you have three children, all girls of course, and you are the leader to the Tear Fang coven. You know what, I have it in the right mind to keep you alive while your love ones suffer, to let you know what I go through every single day without my mate and dead child. That is why I'm here. Any last words?" I asked before drawing the string back on my bow, and aiming for one of the children, making sure I did not make I contact or see who it was.

"Actually…. there is one thing." He said after he overcame his shock.

"And what would that might be Mr. O'Shea?" I asked smugly.

"Heads up." He smiled as I felt impact from behind me. I felt a sting in my arm as I flew through the air, down towards the ground. 'Guys I need help?'

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