Chapter 2

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I felt the air rushing toward my face as I braced myself for impact. Right before I hit the ground, I hovered in mid air. I felt someone breathing in my right ear as I looked up towards the grey sky. I slowly turned my head, to find myself starring in a pair of light blue eyes that held my own. I focused on their owner who seemed to be holding me at the moment. It was a male that had light blonde hair that was all over the place. His facial features were sharp and strong, though covered in shock as he looked down upon me. His eyes filled with lust, want, and need as time ticked by. I growled as I realized his scent; he was vampire who was admiring me, while.. holding me!! I leapt out of his arms and landed in a crouch as I pulled a dagger out of my boot. I saw my bow and arrows laying on the ground right in front of the leech, so they were useless to me for the time being.

Ignoring the pain in my chest from see the mystery vampire looking hurt, I angrily turned around to Rhett. "You and your little coven are about to pay dearly for that. I advise you say good bye now for I'll…"

"You'll what?" Came an old male's voice from behind me. Taking one sniff I could already tell that it was another friend on Rhett's who I had happened to know. His name was Wade McGill; a true cowboy back when he was still mortal. He tried his best to live his life as he did when he was human, but it didn't always work out. Other than his eating habits, and running around the world, Wade still wore his old ragged cowboy hat that was a dusty brown. He never took off his boots, and always wore wrangles jeans. I hated it when that old timer appeared anywhere. He always gave good reasons, and showed you the other person's perspective as well, making you feel guilty for your own actions. I didn't need any of his handiwork at the moment, that was for damn sure.

"Hello Wade; it's a shame you'll be joining your friends for this horrible fate they are about to meet." I growled. I allowed as much venom as possible coat each word as the rang through my gritted teeth. I turned around to see Wade leaning against the tree dumbfounded.

"When did you grow so cold little one? You weren't like this when I first met you. What happened to the broken and fragile little girl that I sheltered in my home?" He asked in disbelief. His voice was deep with a southern accent ringing with every word. He pushed himself and blurred over to the children and Rhett.

"I'm afraid to tell you old friend that she died as soon as she found out that it was vampires that you all know that had taken my mate from me. I never imagined that you would be the one to hide them from me Wade. I'm sorry though that I'll have to kill you for the crimes of his mate." I nodded my head towards a confused looking Rhett as he huddled around his children protectively.

"She would never do that!" Rhett protested. "What reason would she have to disrupt the peace between the two kingdoms?" A laughed a little as I lowered the blade. No wonder why they were so confused, that little sneak hid everything.

"You mean you didn't know that your mate was a part of the Raven Coven?" He shook his head as fear clouded over his face. "That's right Rhett. Your little mate hid it from you. She lead a secret life; she was the lover of the leader who runs the coven who stole my mate. Someone is paying him but I don't know who yet."

"You mean… she betrayed us?" Wade was just as shocked as Rhett was. The long forgotten male standing by my bow cleared his throat.

"She didn't only betrayed us, but she broke the bond of mates between herself and Rhett without him knowing. She simply cheated on you Rhett, and you were clueless." He simply stated. My head snapped towards him when he began to speak. His voice was smooth as the words rolled off his tongue. He looked to be around my age, but you never know how old anyone is now a days with supernatural's. Something about him seemed to pull me towards him, and I felt myself almost liking it. Mentally scolding myself, I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Who are you? I've never seen you with them before out of the whole time I've known them. Why are you here?" I growled.  His eyes darkened as he took in my tone of voice.

"My names if James and at this point that is all you need to know mutt." He said with the same amount of venom. Blowing off his comment I turned back to the others just as I felt Demetri, Mike, Andy, and Carter come up behind me. James hissed when Demetri to a protective stance beside me. Demetri growled at him as they started a stare off. The chilling winter wind blew, bringing up snow into our faces and making me shiver. Looking at the three little girls who were freezing themselves I sighed and let my soft spot for children leak through my guard.

"I see your children are freezing Rhett, and from what I see now, you don't know much about your wife and her actions. You best come to our camp and we can settle this out away from the wind. What do you say old friend? I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you before. I have become so emotionless with all that's happened I forgot how faithful you and Wade were to me." I sighed, hoping that he would understand where I was coming from.

"I also apologize Paige. There was no need to seek James upon you. You are right, we both acted hostile, but the past is the past. We need to discuss our future." He looked down towards his children as he stood up. Looking back up at Wade he nodded. "James will have to go back to the guest house down the road to fetch Reba."

"Wait… he's coming!?" I asked in disbelief as I pointed at the stranger.

"Well yes Paige he is a part of my coven. He is new but family regardless." I sighed in defeat as I walked towards James. Not meeting his eyes I bent down and retrieved my bow.

"Fine, Demetri will go with him to make sure he doesn't run and Reba knows him anyways. The rest of you will follow me back to the camp. Let’s move out, it will be dark soon." They all nodded as they began into their designated directions. Nodding once more, I turned and began walking though the snow. How could this day go anymore off track?

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