TRS - Part One

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'But, Father....'

'There are no buts Hajime. You're 18th birthday was 6 months ago and you are no closer to finding a bride.

I've told you time and time again that now you are 18, it is your duty to find a bride and produce an heir.'

'But...the princesses aren't suitable for running this kingdom'

'No, Hajime. I've had enough. You've already turned away 8 perfectly suitable princesses from some of our closest allies. Your flimsy excuses aren't going to work anymore.'

The kings stern tone made it clear that I could no longer put off this horrendous affair.

'Hajime, now it has come to this I have chosen your future bride. You should be thankful, with this marriage you will be helping our kingdom greatly by forming a new alliance. Maybe it was really a blessing in disguise that you refused the previous offerings. The princess will arrive in a weeks time. You are to be her escort whilst she visits us for 3 days. You are to win her favour and secure her as your future bride.'

I looked up at my father, towering above me, sitting on his regal throne. The thunderous expression on his face left no more room for arguments. I responded, utter defeat in my voice, with two simple words.

'Yes sir'

Authors note
So....I'm back! With a very short intro chapter. After not having written anything in quite some time. I rewatched Haikyu recently and have been playing a lot of dating sims on the switch so I have been inspired to write more Iwaoi! This one probably wont have any smut but it might get a bit heated.
Thanks so much for reading this chapter and thank you for reading my previous work - if you haven't read it, what are you waiting for!? Get over to my page now :D
I will post the next chapter soon!

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