TRS - Part Forty Three

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The servant stood there smiling.

'Now is not the time. When are you returning home to my father?'

Tooru spat out his words.

'Your father would like me to remain here for the time being, to support your highnesses through this difficult time.'

'So you can finish the job, I assume?'

Tooru accused him.

He smiled pleasantly in return.

'I have no idea what you mean my Queen. If you believe I may be up to no good, I would like to see your evidence.'

The servant taunted him.

'Come on, Hajime, it's been a long day.'

Tooru took my hand removed us from the situation.

'If only I hadn't burned those stupid letters.'

He mumbled to himself.

He took me to my father's bedside, he knew exactly where I wanted to be.

We sat together silently in my fathers room.


I turned to the voice.

'I feel like I haven't heard your voice in so long....'

Tooru spoke without looking at me.

There was nothing I could say in return.

I just didn't want to talk.

Tooru talked at me for a while.

He sighed.

'I will leave you alone with your father. Talk to him if you feel you cant talk to me. Come to bed soon.'

He planted a kiss on my forehead before he left.

I sat silently for what felt like hours.

' I became King....'

The tears started falling easily.

' are proud of me.'

I let it all out.

Sat with my father, I cried until I couldn't cry any more.

With nothing more to say, I obeyed Tooru's wishes and left my father to join him in our room.

Of course, sleep evaded me.

The next few weeks were extremely busy.

We found ourselves with double the workload.

I never knew how much work my father did.

A newfound respect for my father was born.

Tooru and his two attendants kept a close eye on me.

A poison tester was brought in to test all food before it reached either myself or Tooru.

New servants were hired.

Tooru tried his best to send his fathers servant home, to no avail.

Until about two months after the coronation.

'King Hajime, Queen Tooru. I must humbly thank you for your hospitality, my Lord has called me home.'

Tooru eyed him suspiciously.

'Why? Why now?'

'Your father believes you are both doing a grand job. He believes I am no longer needed.'

'I don't trust this.'

He couldn't help but voice his concerns.

'Queen Tooru, I was only ever here to help.'

It is true that he has been extremely helpful.

My father remains in critical condition and we still dont know the cause.

I started to question Tooru's fathers involvement.

Tooru said nothing.

I said a few words of thanks as I had gradually started talking again after the shock of my father's illness.

The following day, he left.

The castle was normal.

Nothing changed.

Tooru and I were extremely busy and we found we were seeing each other less.

Most days we attempted to eat our meals together however, there were times that was not possible.

Tonight was one of those nights.

I sat at the large table alone.

I really need to arrange to eat in a smaller room when I'm alone.

My food was brought out and the poison taster tried some and gave me the thumbs up.

As I took my first bite something seemed off.

That tasted a bit weird.

I took a few more bites.

It tastes unusually bitter.

I started to feel lightheaded.

A loud noise distracted me and I absentmindedly turned to the door.

I could vaguely see Tooru running towards me, shouting as I wobbled and my vision blurred.

'Hajime!? Hajime!?'

I opened my eyes slightly.

Am I on the floor?

Tooru's face peered down at me.

Ah, I'm in Tooru's arms...

I could vaguely hear hushed voices.

'Takahiro, the poison taster was trained by that servant.' we've been had.


My vision clouded again.


'I love you.'

My vision went black.

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