TRS - Part Twenty Eight

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I now understood everyone's reactions.

Tooru looked stunning.

She looked great every day but today.....

Natural makeup, long brunette curls pinned back and a gorgeous white dress that hugged her figure in all the right places.

I could feel my cheeks turning red and my jaw dropped.

Our eyes locked and Tooru Tooru smiled, shyly.

And just like that, all of my fears and nerves washed away.

She joined me at the alter and I felt it was only natural to take her hand.

'You look....'

I couldn't find the right words to say.

Tooru smirked with her reply.

'You dont look so bad yourself.'

We shared a smile.


The official cleared his throat again and popped our little bubble.

'Well then, let's get started shall we?'

The ceremony was all over in a flash and it was on to the after party.

A grand soiree in the largest of our halls.

There were entertainers dotted around the room, live music being played from the stage and waiters strategically worming their way around the hall, champagne flutes and canapes in hand.

Tooru and I were kept busy, helping to entertain the guests, accepting everyone's congratulations, generally just hosting the whole thing.

There were celebrations happening inside and outside the castle as we also had to be escorted to the castle boundaries and see the townspeople.

There was music, dancing, singing and townspeople falling all over each other as they tried to get near us.

Thank God there were guards with us.

As the day wore on and the sun set, the partying never ended.

My father had gotten quite drunk and Tooru's father had excused himself from the whole thing just a couple of hours after the ceremony.

Urgent business, apparently.

He didn't even come tell us himself, he sent a servant!

My opinion of him was already pretty low but he certainly wasnt doing himself any favours.

Oh well, at least my father managed to sort the treaty before he left. Now we know we have a powerful ally if anything happens.

Not that we are expecting anything anyway.

My father was also at least sober when he signed the treaty.

Right now....well....he's a typical drunk old man. Stuck halfway between sobbing that his little boy has grown up and making inappropriate comments about how Tooru and I will be making him an heir tonight.

I made sure we stayed far away from any of his conversation.

Though I couldn't help but feel excited  about making an heir aswell....though I was more excited about the process rather than the result...

Tooru's appearance didn't help matters. She looked absolutely amazing.

The right amount of modesty yet still sexy.

I honestly dont know how she does it.

Even though were stuck to each other like glue the whole day, we never had any time to ourselves.

As the night gradually came to an end in the early hours of the morning, we said our good byes to the final guests and were finally left alone.

My father had already been carried to bed as he made a fool of himself passing out in a fountain. What sort of king does that!?

I looked over to Tooru as the cleaners busied themselves around us, tidying up the aftermath.

She looked tired.

'Time for bed?'

I asked as I took her hand.

She just smiled and nodded in response.

I led her to my room, my heart beat racing as my mood grew in anticipation for what was to come.

It would be the first time we slept together in my bed, of course I would be nervous and excited.

My palms were getting sweaty and I felt embarrassed as we walked together in silence.

As we entered my room, Tooru headed over to the room that had been transformed into her walk in wardrobe whilst the ceremony took place. Her two attendants followed her in as she would need help to remove the heavy dress.

I quickly threw off my clothes and jumped into bed wearing just my boxers, hiding under the sheets.

I was strangely self conscious thinking about what would happen next.

After about 10 minutes of anxiously waiting, the attendants emerged from the wardrobe and swiftly left the room.

Tooru poked her head out not long after and asked me turn off the lamps, to which I obliged.

I heard her scamper across the room and could vaguely see her silhouette as my eyes adjusted to the darkness.

She clambered into bed and lay facing her back to me with a small amount of distance between us.

It was uncomfortably silent.


Tooru broke the awkward silence first with an extremely small, cute snore.

I moved closer to her, propping myself up on my elbow and peeking over to see her face.

She was fast asleep.

I collapsed back onto the bed and lay there, staring at the ceiling.

All of that build up for nothing.

Well, it's been a long day and I  suppose we have plenty of time.

I thought to myself as I relaxed into the bed and let sleep slowly claim me.

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