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No one asked for this but I have decided that I want to post my tiktok original character backstories somewhere. Lucky for you [or not so lucky] I've picked here.

It's part to let people who, for some strange reason, follow me be able to read the information in some organized order.

Also so I can keep track of it.

At the moment I'm thinking one chapter dedicated to each character. I might change it...I don't know.

Now normally I have a rule that I do not post things until they are complete. But for this I'm making an exception. Because these aren't story arcs. They are character designs.

As such these character are NOT open for people to mess with there back story at this time. If you would like to right a side plot, episode, or use one of my characters in your story; please ask and try to stick with their original personality. [Again, I might change this in the future but I'm new to the OC world and not really to let the internet do what they want with them.] Like all fanfic, PLEASE credit and tag me in any use or mention of my OCS.

Fan art is ALWAYS welcome and I would love to post/tag you here for any that are made and shared with me :) 

On tiktok, please feel free to duet with my vids; and keep the @lolagreen26 so I can see. 😊 

TikTok OCs BackstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now