Roy Wolf Eis

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Roy Wolf Eis

Female: She/her

Age: 15







Fav foods: all kinds of potatoes and raspberry milk chocolate truffles

Skills wandless/wish magic

Roy Wolf Eis is the daughter of Rowan Eis; a streetwalker of German descent. Now, if you don't know what a streetwalker is, I'm not telling you. As a young kid, Roy didn't know who her father was. Rowan didn't talk about it. After Roy understood what her mom did for a living, she stopped asking.

Roy loved her mother. She was a strong woman who had a hard life and did what she had to do to survive. Rowan came from a family background of addicts and abusers. Rowan prided herself on fighting and winner her battle with alcohol and never laying an abusive hand on Roy. Every day Rowan told her daughter how much she was loved.

Roy saw many kids who didn't have that kind of a mom. Kids who came home with bruises or got more before morning. Kids at school picked on Roy because of her worn-out clothes and taking home an extra bag from the school each week with food and other supplies. Roy didn't bother with making friends. She didn't have a home most of the time to bring them to.

When she was little. Like really little, Rowan was able to switch between houses of some family and acquaintances that would let her stay for a few weeks here and there. At one point, Rowan and Roy even stayed in a studio apartment in one of the worse neighborhoods around. But it got broken into and the rent money stolen. Rowan couldn't keep up with the demands on food, housing, and school supplies. Rowan would have a few months when she could work a part time job or two. But eventually the boss would find out about her other job, or a john would show up and cause issues.

At 9 years old, during a particularly harsh winter, Roy lost her mom. Rowan had been sick for a while. Thanks to universal health care she was able to get care but it wasn't enough. Rowan kept telling Roy not to worry. Rowan would go through a few weeks of coughing and then seem to get better. But this time, Rowan kept coughing. She was so thin Roy thought she could count every bone in her body. Roy skipped school to look after her mom, making the runs to the foodbank on her own.

This year, they hadn't been able to find a place in one of the shelters and were in a corner of an abandoned apartment structure. It was dangerous to be in due to it being structurally condemned but it was better then directly in the wind and rain. There were a number of homeless individuals and a few other families in the building. When it comes to living on the streets, there is a code. You don't steal from homeless family's or children. You don't steal from other homeless in the same space or building as you. If you find a kid by themselves, you look out for them and give them a space to sleep. Food if you have it. If you are a kid that gets offered goods and takes them, you own them a debt; within reason.

Many of the kids are used to run food bank runs, panhandle, security checks, and other odd jobs for adults who can't or would be to noticeable. Kids, more than adults are the one's swiping goods for the whole group. Swiping was one of Roy's specialties.

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