GeGe Elf

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Gleam Gloom

also known as GeGe


Age: 18





Gleam was born to two ordinary, happy, glitter increased elves of Santa's village. But Gleam was no ordinary elf baby. A Christmas elf's first laugh rings with the sound of the season. Full of joy and cheer. But when Gleam was born they cried. No one knew what to do. Elves sometimes have seasonal birth marks like snowflakes, freckles like glitter, stars, and mistletoe. Under Gleams right eye was a dark smug. A smug that has Gleam grew older turned out to be black icicles.

Some of the elves were scared of Gleam. Though they were an omen of bad tidings. Parents warned their kids to not play with Gleam in case they got infected by there anti-cheer. Gleam's parents didn't lose their jobs, Santa isn't like that. Not after Rudolf. But he didn't take notice either how two of his decorating elves no longer worked with anyone else but each other after Gleam was born. It was the social cold shoulder.

You won't think that Christmas elves had it in them to be so cruel. But to them, they were just protecting Christmas. They've been mean and ruthless in the past when they have to defend Christmas form the Grinch and Krampus. And that's what Gleam and their family had become. A treat. Something different.

The kids called Gleam, Gloom. Because they didn't smile. What did they have to smile about anyways? No friends. Watching their parents slip into isolation and depression. Gleam held their own. Going to class each day and learning about the Christmas way. Gleam tried to be happy and smile but it tending to come out creepy. They learned to hid their eye with hair. It helped delay when people would notice them and back away.

Sometimes Gleam would stand near a group of elves that couldn't see them and pretend they were part of the conversation. Just laughing and hanging out with friends.

At 12 years old Gleam found themselves completely alone. Gleam's mom died from the sadness and isolation when Gleam was 10. There dad lasted two more years. Both struggled with accepting Gleam, but at least they tried. They tried not to blame Gleam for not being born a Christmas elf. They tried not to blame them for the loss of friends. But Gleam always knew that if they hadn't be born, then there parents would have had happy lives.

After there death, Gleam had to come up with a way to live. They had to stop trying to get people to like them, or fit it. But also needed a way to be accepted enough to have a job. Gleam decided to embrace their otherness and started to introduce themselves at GeGe [Gleam Gloom]. GeGe had a knack for breaking things that were Christmassy. One of the many reasons given why they couldn't play with other kids. So they tried out for the toy tester department.

Toy testers are a bit of an odd group anyway. Trying to think of new ways to play with or break toys. GeGe was given a corner office to work with and was left alone each day to test toys for individual play. To this day, there has been not one toy that GeGe hasn't found a way to break through play. Though...GeGe isn't sure they anyone is reading there reports and making any changes to the toys.

In November of 2019 GeGe started to hear whispers of something new. With having no friends, GeGe had learned they could get a hold of all the gossip and information no one else knows about. Elves tend to forget GeGe is around or just don't notice them. These whispers caught GeGe's attention.

A revolution. No that's not quite it.

A sabotage.

For years GeGe didn't understand why Santa would spend so much time and resources making toys for the humans when they didn't earn it. GeGe worked for everything they had. Not even a smile was free. GeGe's not sure if they have ever been hugged. So why do the humans get so much?

Sure, there is the naughty and nice list. But have you ever looked at the naughty list? It's not that long. Like murders and politicians make up the whole thing. And even some of those people are on the nice list. Honestly if anything, he should call it an age list. Very few people over 16 are listed on either side. Or a followers list. He's talks about goodness and being fair but he only brings gifts to people who believe in him. What a joke.

The Grinch. The Grinch is back and he's looking for help. GeGe has to be very careful now because if they say the wrong thing to the wrong elf...GeGe doesn't want to think about what happens to elves that are caught working against Santa. [Mainly because GeGe doesn't know].

Lala Garland. The rumored head elf for the Grinch. [] 

After watching a few elves talk with Garland about the Grinch, GeGe braces for their only talk. GeGe wanted more than anything a place to belong. And they are willing to risk everything for the chance at a real home.

**time passes. Go watch tiktok and like my vids =^-^= #GrinchElf

It took a bit for GeGe to work out that it was ok to be themselves around the Grinch elves. Sometimes GeGe takes it too far with fighting or with a joke. Sometimes GeGe gets really insecure that the Grinch elves are going to turn on them and leave them alone again. And that's really all they deserve. And other times it's like GeGe is letting out years of happiness all in one go they are so chaotic. GeGe found their love for singing and with songs that fit there mood.

GeGe was amazed to find out that other elves too had been rejected or forgotten by Santa's village. Cole [@the_galazysloth] quickly became an idol to GeGe. GeGe would follow Cole around all day. Even though he seemed a bit weirded out, he allowed it. After all Cole had spent a long time being alone too.

Ruvy [@the_galazysloth] gave GeGe there first stuffed animals to help them sleep at night. That is was ok to have feelings.

Many of the other Grinch elves worked to help GeGe learn how to play pranks, relax, and take a joke.

GeGe didn't care much anymore about stopping Christmas. They wanted to make sure that didn't do anything to mess up and lose the family they had finally found.

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