cheap tricks

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Mother told me yes she told me id meet girls like you

What do i do i cant like max!
Hes max!
He doesnt have emotional lovey dovey feelings ! Oh no nobody can find out about this. They will make fun of me forever! Why couldnt things just be simple again? Where i can go back to liking nature

She also told me stay away you'll never know what you'll catch

I should have just kept my mouth shut
I just ruined my relationship with max
If you can even call what we have a relationship
He must hate me now

Mom is  alright dad is alright they just seem a little weird

" surrender surrender but dont give yourself away" i heard a voice singing
It was gwen
Wow gwen not that bad
" cheap trick they are so cool huh" she gestured towards the record player
" im surprised someone as young as yourself knows this"

I shrugged sniffing

" gwen ? "  i asked " why is love so-"

" stupid "

" yeah"

" you have a lil crush huh" gwen had a smug face

" maybe" i said

" i knew it my lil shit is growing up" gwen took my hands " who is it is it neil people suspected it but you dont look good with him or maybe harri-"

" its max"

Everything stopped

" ha.....haha.... Hahahahahahahaha for a sec i thought you said max"

"....i did say max"

" oh nikki" gwen had a mischevious glint in her eye

We just sat for a minute
No one said anything
As we looked at eachother ( imagine the camera slowly zooming out of the open tent
To make it more theatric teehee 😈)

Surrender surrender but dont give yourself awaaaay aaay AAAY

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