pass the weed

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I woke up in the flower scouts living room
I looked down at my clothing and I looked around at the room
I think it was all a dream
Thank god
That was very scary for me
I get up and start walking around to see where tabii went.
But then I heard her voice
" oh nikki over here " her voice came from one of the rooms in this painfully pink hallway
It looks like strawberries vomited in here

My head felt a little hazy like I had one of my moms special cookies

I looked in the room that had so many makeup supplies that it was insane
But as I looked around the room.tabii called me into
I froze in my tracks as I seen the one thing ik could not see

Veronica's outfit

Tabii smiled devilishly
" I see you figured out our plan nikki
No hard feelings though right "
Tabii took a step forward
" we just need you to get that boyfriend of yours"
I was terribly confused
Why would they need max
Not like he was my boyfriend or anything but he was the first boy that came in to mind
Is that bad?
Tabii tied me to a chair

She had done a lot of things to my face and hair that felt really weird usually mom would just put my hair in a bun and make me wear a skirt so I can be " ladylike" but this was more than that this was ladyladylike

When I looked in the mirror I did not even see myself anymore it did not feel like I was nikki
Tabii freed me

" here put this on " nikki handed me veronica's outfit
" i don't want to be veronica i want to be nikki" i bit tabii in her hand
" OW this stupid betch " 

I ran on all fours down random hallways before I found one with light
I think it was a greenhouse
The greenhouse had a door that led outside
That was my escape
But there were these beautiful looking plants
And one plant looked great so I took a bite
And then I felt a little light on my feet as the world spun
Then everything went black

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