Follow My Lead ~4~

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Galinda's POV
I went to the other room with Fiyero to get something to drink and a bite to eat. I started walking towards the punch bowl when Fiyero abruptly handed me a red glass of an unknown liquid. "What is it?" I asked. He said nothing and just motioned for me to drink it. I took a sip. And another. And another. I had finished the drink faster than I originally could've imagined, but I guess I was just really thirsty. Then I felt nauseous. The room was spinning and I saw the blurry figure of Fiyero start walking out of the door. "Fiyero..." I called out before I blanked.

The next thing I could remember was Elphaba holding me up with one arm while handing me a cup of water. I took a few sips and looked around. I couldn't gather the correct words to say how I felt about the whole situation, so I just wrapped my arms around her waist, which she hesitantly returned. I didn't know how long we had stayed hugging, but it definitely was one of the longest hugs I've ever had. We pulled away at about the same time and I stared into her beautiful caramel eyes. I thought about everything that's happened in the past twelve ticks of the Dragon Clock. The name calling, Boq, Nessa, the hat, the wand, the party. They were all expressed to me in her eyes. I don't completely know what pushed me to do this, but I stood up on my toes to get to her hight and gently pressed my lips against hers. It wasn't my first time, but I'm pretty sure it was hers. But something about it was just... different. We held each other until I started to feel woozy... sick almost. I slipped out of her grasp and onto the ground as I felt myself blacking out. The last thing I remember was Elphaba calling my name.

I woke up and saw Elphaba reading. She looked up at me and we stared for a minute. I didn't want to tell her that I kissed her on purpose, because I was afraidified that she'd think I'm disgusting. So instead, I changed the subject. "Your very first party?" I questioned, smiling with an eyebrow raised. "Do funerals count?" She replied. "It's your very first party!" I said quietly because it was late. "Ahhhh!" I said almost squealing in excitement. "Oh and Elphie," I said while straighten out my bedsheets. "Is it alright if I call you Elphie?" I asked. "Well, it's a little quirky," She replied. "And you can call me Galinda!" I stated. She laughed quietly to herself as it got too quiet for my liking. "I know! Let's each tell each other something we've never told anyone!" I said. "I'll go first," I continued. "Fiyero and I are going to be married," I said while squealing into my pillow after and staring at Elphie expectantly. "He's asked you already?" Elphie said with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Oh no he doesn't know yet," I said while feeling a slight pang of pity in myself. "Now you tell me a secret!" I said quickly before Elphie got away. "Like what?" She said chuckling to herself. "Like... why do you sleep with this funny little green bottle under your pillow?" I said as I grabbed it and held it up to the light. "Give it back..." Elphie said as I waved it in the air and started walking away from her. "Give it back." She said getting off her bed rushing to me as I continued to walk more briskly away from her. "GIVE IT BACK!" She exclaimed as she ripped it from my hand. I was surprised and scared... but understood. "I'm sorry," She said while taking a few deep breaths. "It was my mother's, that's all," She said while putting it back under her pillow. "Well..." I said while desperately trying to change the mood. "That's not fair, I told you a really good one," I said whining and flopping onto my bed while I heard Elphie chuckle a bit followed by a sigh. "My father hates me," She said as I immediately perked up. "That's not the secret," She continued while I put my head down sadly. "The secret is- he has a good reason. It's my fault," She said while obviously getting choked up. "What? What is?" I asked while walking and hopping up on her bed to give her my full attention, which might I add, was something I didn't do much. "That my sister is... the way she is..." Elphie said. She continued to explain why Nessa's legs had gotten tangled in childbirth, due to an early labor.

Elphaba's POV
I explained everything to her. Something I had never explained to anyone. But I felt a certain comfort around her, despite what all happened during the day. She didn't seem to remember that she kissed me... or that I helped her at all. But it did spark something in me. If I was in love with her before, then I was completely falling for her now. "That may be your secret Elphaba, but it doesn't make it true," Galinda said with the tone of udder seriousness. I gave a small grin while Galinda looked at the window. "Oh! Look it's tomorrow!" She said while raising her arms up high and stretching. "So, Elphie, now that we're friends..." Friends? I've never had any of those before... "I've decided to make you my new project!" She said excitedly. "You Really don't have to do that," I said nervously. I didn't want to be bullied even more than I already was for my appearances. "I know! That's what makes me so nice," She said while I giggled. This girl is going to be the death of me. We continued the night  with Galinda trying to make me "Popular". I didn't get it all that much, but it was kind of fun. I learned how to toss my hair, which was kind of confusing for the most part. She gave me her rose hairpin she had worn to the ball, and pinned it into my hair. I ran it over my fingers before I felt ashamed. I kissed her and she probably didn't even feel the same way. She probably didn't even like girls. I froze for a second. "I-I have to go," I said while stumbling my way out the door.

Galinda's POV
"YOU'RE WELCOME!" I said sarcastically to Elphie as she ran out the door. I continued adoring myself in the mirror before I started to get ready for my first class. I knew I was going to be a bit late before I got to class but I didn't care. I got into my white uniform with my hat and grabbed my purse while walking towards my class. I heard screaming down the hallway but didn't think much of it. The door was open so I started walking more briskly towards it. "What're we going to do?!" I heard a familiar voice say. "Well?!" She said more desperately while I ran to stand in the doorway. "SOMEBODY'S GOT TO DO SOMETHING!" She cried while moving her hands as the whole classroom went to chaos. I stared at the beautiful woman in front of me who was in a rage. But in all of the calamity, I could only look at Elphie. And boy, did she look hot.

A/N: Yaaaaay! Another chapter out not a month apart! I'll try to keep posting consistently.

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