Chapter One

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  Kate's P.O.V.

           When I woke up this morning I wasn't honestly expecting to be at the crime scene of a murder but here I am. I only lived a couple of blocks from the site of the murder so when I heard the sirens I walked from my house over to the dorm.

            I managed to convince one of the police officers outside that this was my dorm so I could check out what was happening. The guy really needs to do some research because this dorm doesn't house girls. Also, why the heck would you let someone who was just a student onto the premises of a murder site.

           As I got inside I listened to what the police were talking about and discovered that the room in which the victim was killed was room number 202. No one noticed me walking around because the police were all in a frenzy. The number sounded familiar to me but I couldn't place where I'd heard it before. It must have been something I wanted to forget because I generally remember everything.

            Right outside the room, there's a box of latex gloves and I take a pair and put them on before I decide to walk into the room. Maybe it isn't my best idea to walk into a murder site without the permission of the police but I wanted to take a closer look. I'm pretty sure what I'm doing is illegal but who cares. I want something exciting to do for once.

            "Holy Cow that's a lot of blood!" I silently exclaim to myself. Each of the walls in the room has a splatter of blood on it. Instead of going to look at the body right away I decided to take a closer look at the walls.

             When I got a closer look at the walls I realized that it wasn't whoever was the victim's blood it was animal blood. If I had to guess it was probably some slaughtered farm animal's blood.

              After closely examining the walls with the animal's blood on them I make my way over to the bed where a bunch of police people are gathered. As I go over I overhear someone talking to the police about the body.

               "The body looks as if it's been dead for a couple of hours. I'd say about three to five hours but I'm not entirely sure yet when I take the body down to the lab I should be able to find the exact cause of death." A woman is giving the information specifically for two police officers. One of them is a woman with really short hair and the other is a guy that looks like he was very sad because of the guy's death.

                 Finally, the guy that was blocking the body moves out of the way and I can finally squeeze into clear view of the body. I gasp loudly as I get a good look at the body. The guy was shot in both his groin and his head. I would recognize the face in front of me anywhere. In front of me is the pale face of my swim captain and rapist Josh Harper. The two police officers' heads turn in my direction at the sound of my gasp.

                  "Who the hell are you?" The woman with short dark hair asked me.

                  "I could ask you the same question," I reply.

                  "I'm supposed to be here you are not." I roll my eyes at her statement. How the hell would she know if I wasn't supposed to be here?

                  "How do you know that I'm not supposed to be here?" I ask her.

                   "Can you only ask questions or can you answer them too?" The lady asks another question. 

                   "Do you always avoid questions with questions of your own?" I smirk as she becomes more and more frustrated with my questions. She glares at me but I just glare right back holding my own against this woman. The man with the short hair that looks a little shaven steps in between our epic staring battle and puts his hand out towards me.

                    "I'm Detective Elliot Stabler and this is Detective Olivia Benson." He points to himself and then to the woman with the short hair who doesn't seem to like me.

                    "I'm Kate Grey and it's nice to meet you, Detective Stabler," I reply with a genuine smile. I completely ignore Detective Benson in my statement because honestly, it's not nice to meet her.

                    "Did you know the victim, Miss Grey?" Detective Benson asks me. Again with the questions.

                    "Everyone knew him I'm surprised you don't know who he is," I answer.

                     "I know who he is I was just wondering if the two of you were close." She tells me.

                     "No, I didn't know him that well." I think answering honestly would be in my best interest since I did sneak onto the crime scene.

                      "Even if you didn't know him I'm sure that you're very sad about his death. I can suggest a couple of therapists for you to get over seeing his dead body." Detective Benson suggests. Yeah like I'm going to be super depressed over his death.

                      "One this isn't the first dead body I've ever seen and two I couldn't be happier that he's dead." Maybe I shouldn't tell the police that I'm happy that the guy is dead but I honestly don't care. The two officers look at me like I've lost my head.

                       "Wait hold on did you just say you were happy that he's dead?" The woman with all the questions asks me.

                       "Oh yeah, this is one of the happiest moments of my life. Also, a bunch of other women on campus will tell you the same things which is probably why he was shot in the groin as well as his head." I point to the body as I'm talking.

                       The two detectives glance at me and then the body. I realize that they probably think that I killed him. To be fair the odds are stacked against me since I told them I didn't like and I show up at the crime scene.

                        "We think it would probably be a good idea if you came down to the station." Detective Stabler tells me.

                        "Okay, that's fine with me." I hope I don't regret going down to the station.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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