Christmas Time

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(Merry Christmas everybody, if you don't celebrate then happy holidays! Sorry this is late I am very busy around the holidays, I also I have a gift for all of you!)

So in this chatroom you the reader are the youngest Odinson :)

Warnings: Only one cuss word

Hela has created a chatroom
Hela has invited Thor

Hela: We have a problem

Thor: What is it?

Hela: I don't know where Y/n is

Thor: You lost her!

Hela: NO

Hela: Okay, so I lost her big deal

Thor: Loki is going to lose it and father will be pissed

Hela: I could care less about both of them

Hela: I'll just blame it on Loki and then he'll get in trouble

Hela: Besides everybody blames Loki

Loki has entered the chat

Loki: You were going to blame me?!

Loki: I like Y/n better then you two

Thor: How dare you

Thor: I thought I was the favorite

Hela: Well you thought wrong Thor

Loki: What was Y/n doing last

Thor: no idea

Hela: The question is where was she last

Loki: For Odin's sake we're in Asgard she cant be that far

Loki: or lost

Thor: True

Hela: Or does she have a hiding place

Loki: Great

Thor: She has told me about them

Hela: Well? Where are they?

Thor: I don't know

Hela: You're a big help

Loki: So are you

Hela: Okay, our parents are going to be home in 2 hours for Christmas

Hela: That gives us time to find Y/n

Thor: Can't we use our powers?

Loki: Remember what happened last time

Thor: Ohh...

Thor: It wasn't that bad...

Loki: It wasn't bad for you

Hela: Why don't we split up

Loki: Okay we'll each take a floor

Thor: I'll get the first

Loki: I'll take the top

Hela: I guess that leaves me with the middle

(About 30 minutes later)



Y/n has entered the chat

Loki: Y/n dear, where are you

Thor: please tell us where you are

Y/n: Hmmm

Y/n: How

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