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(This will be Peter P. X reader, this is how quarantine will be for the Avengers 😂)

Y/n has created a chat
Y/n has invited the Avengers

Y/n: I think it's finally happening guys

Peter: Here we go again...

Tony: ?????

Thor: Is lady Y/n okay??

Bruce: Oh, she's going through what I called "Crazy"

Tony: How have you been "Crazy"

Nat: Is that really a question-

Tony: Well I asked so yes, yes it a question

Steve: Don't get smart Tony

Peter: I-

Clint: Finish what you were saying Y/n

Y/n: I think I've completely lost it, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!


Y/n: At least I'm not bad as you

Peter: Y/n, you sit on TikTok for hours, also you steal my clothes

Y/n: Peter I'm dating you-

Peter: But you already have my clothes!

Tony: Kid, I find you panicking on the ceiling

Tony: Don't even say anything Y/n cause I find you panicking everywhere-

Y/n: Eye- don't call me out like that

Y/n: I know I panic, thats the only thing I can do right now

Peter: Also don't even get me started with online school

Y/n: They should let us pass

Peter: They should tho tbh

Thor: Is it that bad??

Peter: YES

Y/n: Thor, we can't see our friends, I'M DYING


Y/n: Hey! I paid you good money to keep shut

Clint: What is about to happen

Nat: Something bad



Bruce: Please fell me that you both did not go out

Bucky: They went to go hangout with Ned

Y/n: I can't tell you anymore secrets Bucky


Peter: Bruce please calm down

Clint: You've become more of a clean freak Bruce!

Nat: Yeah! Also you don't come out of your lab

Nat: Same goes for you Tony!

Bruce: I only come out of my lab if Tony needs help with something

Steve: Not shocked at all

Bruce: You know I would come out for food, but IT'S ALL GONE

Y/n: I wander who that could be

Thor: Isn't it Clint??

Clint: And??? Your point is

Clint: By some more food...

Bruce: like I said there is a VIRUS GOING ON

Clint: just wear a mask and buy some food

Peter: So Clint ate my food...

Tony: Kid. we'll get some more

Nat: I'm not complaining about quarantine

Nat: I train more often

Nat: Tho it's not my normal routine

Thor: I don't know why we need to stay indoors tho??

Bucky: So we don't get the virus

Thor: But I won't get it

Y/n: Just because you lived through the Black Plague doesn't mean crap

Nat: Chill Y/n

Y/n: ಠ_ಠ

Tony: Thor just stay inside the pop tarts are on the top shelf

Y/n: Is Steve okay??

Peter: Ya, he hasn't said much

Bucky: He's self quarantined

Bruce: I don't want anyone saying anything about me now

Tony: Wow Cap

Steve: Shut up Tony


Bucky: Have you eaten the pizza I gave you

Steve: Yeah

Clint: Has he tho

Nat: Will you come out of your room Steve

Steve: Ahahahaha

Steve: NO

Peter: wow, cap, wow

Y/n: Also another question where is Loki??

Thor: He went to another plant

Thor: He didn't say where tho

Y/n: I have a very strong feeling that's he's just watching everyone earth suffer, and laughing

Loki has entered the chat

Loki: Ah, yes your right Y/n about both things

Loki: Also don't drag me into this

Loki has left the chat

Thor: I'm not shocked

Peter: Can we go into the out now?

Bruce: no

Y/n: We'll wear a mask

Y/n: We'll get more food

Peter: Yeahhh

Tony: someone go with them

Y/n: Can Bucky take us?

Bucky: Nope, no can do

Bucky: because of quarantine no one is currently try to frame me for murder

Bucky: And I'm not going out

Y/n: Okay- Can Nat take us

Nat: I guess I will

Peter:    ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Nat: Does anyone need anything else from the store

Tony: Some coffee, energy drinks :)

Bruce: I'm with Tony, also cleaning supplies


Thor: Pop tarts

Y/n: Steve you want anything?

Steve: no

Bucky: Get him something

Peter: Okayyyyy

(Sorry for a crap ending to this chapter! I finally updated. So I'm done with moving and stuff, but now I've start summer school online, so that means updates will be slow, depending if I get my work done. Also my online school ends in July soo ya. I'm really sorry this chapter took a a while to make.  Like no joke every day I tried to get some of this done but I couldn't (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ').

Oof- I'm like really sorry tho, but once I get my life together updates will be on a regular note. I hope everyone is staying safe with the protesting going on and the virus. Wear your mask and wash your hands. Also the face reveal will be posted later today or tomorrow some time. Sorry if there are any mistakes. Peace out  ~ Ally)

Sorry for the long a/n (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃

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