Chapter 4 - Punishment

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You stood in the sitting room, trembling as you stared at Dutch's face.

Tears began to pool in your eyes, no one had ever told you that you were a disappointment. You weren't sure whether it was that or the fear of what this man might do to you.

"I...I'm sorry," you whispered, as your voice cracked.

Dutch narrowed his eyes, "why are you sorry? Sorry because you ran away, sorry because you stole from me, or sorry because you got caught?" he hissed, as he let go of your chin.

You lowered your head, then reached down into your dress, and pulled the money out. You held the money out to him, as a tear trickled down your cheek.

Dutch snatched the money from your hand, and glared at you angrily, before turning away and walking over the small box and replacing the money.

Dutch walked back over to you, any softness that he had shown the previous night was gone. He grabbed you by your arm and dragged you over to the bedroom door. He opened it, and pushed you inside.

"Get out of those clothes and put your nightdress back on!" he growled.

You turned and looked at him, "What?" you asked, in surprise.

"You heard me," he growled, "and put everything away in the bag, unless you want to be in more trouble than you're in already!"

Dutch slammed the door behind you.

You stared at the closed door, and wiped the tear from your cheek.

Dutch turned around and looked at Charles,

"Thank you," he said, sighing.

"Don't be too hard on her Dutch, she thinks you're gonna beat her within an inch of her life!"

Dutch huffed, and glared at Charles.

Charles nodded, and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Arthur rolled his eyes, "you are though, aren't you?"

Dutch turned to look at Arthur, "did you see what she was wearing, what sort of father dresses their daughter in clothes like that!"

Arthur sighed, "the sort that wants to sell her off to the highest bidder. Parade her around in front of a few wealthy old men, see who offers the most!"

"That man is a complete bastard, he might as well have hawked her around the streets of St. Denis," Dutch hissed.

Arthur walked towards the door, "You're still gonna beat her though, aintcha? You wanna be careful, Dutch. She's terrified. You rough her up too much, she's gonna go running straight back to her ol' man. Leviticus Cornwall or not!"

Dutch folded his arms, and stared at Arthur.

"No she ain't, son. She's gonna take her punishment, and when we've got our money, she's gonna stay right here, with us."

Arthur rolled his eyes, "and how you gonna get her to do that?"

Dutch looked at the floor, then looked Arthur straight in the eye, "I need you to get me something...from the basement!"

You took off your dress and bra, quickly picking up your nightdress, you put it back on.

You had a good idea, what Dutch was gonna do, so you left your panties on.

You packed everything else back in the bag.

You stood by the bed, looking towards the door. You were trembling even more now. When you saw the doorknob turning, you ran to the far corner of the room, and sat on the floor. You pulled your knees into your chest, wrapped your arms around them, looking fearfully towards the door.

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