Chapter 11 - Rescue

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Dutch rode towards the small settlement of Lagras, closely followed by Arthur, John, Bill and Lenny. He didn't speak much. He only had one thing on his mind, getting you back.

"Where exactly are we goin'?" Arthur asked, not liking being kept in the dark.

Dutch slowed The Count down as they approached the cluster of wooden cabins on the edge of the swamp.

"There's only one house that has its own boathouse, and backs onto the River. That's the house belonging to Angelo Bronte. Everything we know about that greasy bastard, makes me think he's the one that has my Emmie." Dutch hesitated, "you know as well as I do, how I feel about people stealing what's mine!"

Arthur sighed, "How the hell are we gonna get into his house, you know how heavily protected he is?"

Dutch chuckled, "we, son, will have the element of surprise!"

Dutch hitched the count, and walked towards a cabin, right on the edge of the swamp. Next to it was a small jetty.

"Thomas!" Dutch waved to a dark skinned man, leaning on the edge of the jetty.

"Mr Dutch!" The man responded.

"Thomas, I've come to call in that favour. I need to make a house call!"

Thomas nodded, "I'm happy to help. What's he done this time?"

Dutch narrowed his eyes, "he's stolen something of mine, something very precious."

Thomas walked to the edge of the jetty, where a boat was moored.

"Come along then, lets go."

The boat slid silently through the water, the only light, the moon reflecting on the river, and the lights of St. Denis in the distance.

The closer the boat came to the city, the more certain Dutch was that you were in the hands of Angelo Bronte. It was like some invisible cord was drawing him to you.

Thomas steered the boat silently to the jetty.

Thomas waited in the boat while the five men crept towards the house. They quickly dispensed with the guards out the back, but the sound of gunfire caused all hell to break loose, as more men came running out the back, only to be mown down in a hail of bullets.

"quickly deal with any others, then first priority is Emmeline, then we find Bronte. If anyone finds her before I do, let me know," Dutch commanded.

The men nodded and proceeded to sweep through the house.

You woke up in panic to the sound of gunshots. You had no idea what was going on. The last thing on your mind was that you were about to be rescued. Your first though was self preservation.

With that in mind, you managed to sit on the edge of the bed, even though your hands were still bound behind your back. You slid off the bed, and onto the floor, allowing your good leg to take the weight. You winced as you sat your self on the floor, and hid by the side of the bed. Glancing down at your leg, you noticed blood on the outside of the bandage. You wondered if that was recent, or if it had happened when you'd been dragged from Dutch's camp. You guessed it didn't matter. Right now you just wanted to stop yourself from being killed.

You cringed as the sound of footsteps came closer, hearing doors being thrown open, and every so often a gunshot. You pushed your back against the edge of the bed, and squeezed your eyes closed. Your heart was beating wildly in your chest. It felt like any moment it might explode.

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