Chapter 5 - Shackles

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Josiah Trelawny, stopped outside the saloon. He removed his hat.

This wasn't his preferred watering hole in St. Denis. He much preferred the higher class establishment in the centre of town, but his would do. It was a better place to discuss the sort of business he would be discussing today.

He walked through the doors, and waved a greeting to the barkeep, before heading to the back room.

"Ahh Josiah, good to see you," Dutch greeted, as he poured him a drink.

Josiah placed his hat on the table, and sat down, taking a sip of the alcohol. He nodded. At least the refreshments were better than the locale.

"So, how did your foray go, into the world of fathers and daughters," Josiah smirked.

Dutch rolled his eyes, "the man's a real piece of work, his daughter on the other hand."

Josiah chuckled, "she's a sweet little thing, he hardly lets her out of the house you know."

Dutch hummed, and reached down into a bag that was under the table.

"Tell me Josiah, where would a man like Jonas McKenzie obtain garments like this?"

He pulled out the dress that you had been wearing, when you took your little trip into the woods.

Josiah raised his eyebrows, "Not from St. Denis, or Paris. That looks more Italian. Milan? Maybe."

Dutch nodded, "its what our dear Mr. McKenzie has been dressing his daughter in!"

Josiah chuckled, "only the best, and skimpiest outfits when your trying to marry your daughter off to a rich oil magnate."

Dutch hummed, and narrowed his eyes, "maybe. What sort of money does a wardrobe like this cost?"

Josiah, took another sip of his drink, and scratched his head. "A whole wardrobe, eh?"

Dutch nodded, "even down to her undergarments and night clothes. All of the finest silk, or gossamer lace!"

Josiah frowned, "too much for a man like McKenzie, maybe I should dig a bit deeper!"

Dutch rolled his eyes, "well you haven't got long. Have you contacted him about where to leave our money?"

Josiah chuckled, "not yet, but the plan is rather cunning. I'll need the assistance of one of your ladies, Mary-Beth perhaps."

Dutch narrowed his eyes, "she wont be in any danger?"

Josiah shook his head, "no, not at all, but she will need to dress very smartly! Why don't we discuss the details back at your country house," he smirked, "then you can introduce me to the lovely Miss Emmeline!"

"We can discuss it here, Josiah. Now's not a very good time for her to be seeing strangers." Dutch advised.

"Nonsense Dutch, all the effort and leads I've given you. The least you can do is let me see her!"

Dutch sighed, "very well. Lets head back now, I need to get back anyway."

The two men stood up and left the bar, heading back to Shady Belle.

Josiah and Dutch hitched their horses and headed towards the main house. Arthur was sitting on the steps. He glanced up and waved to Josiah.

"How's she been, son," Dutch asked.

Arthur rolled his eyes, "she was yelling earlier, but I thought it best to leave her alone. She's probably a bit pissed."

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