Chapter 14

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Xavier and I walked a short distance away. Not enough to be completely separated from the group, but at least out of hearing distance. Taking a deep breath, I mentally readied myself.

However, before I could speak, Xavier beat me to the punch. "I'm sorry for calling you a monster. You were right. I was wrong." I lifted an eyebrow. He studied my face, almost searching for something before continuing. "I couldn't bring myself to kill that child, which put everyone at risk. I can't promise it won't happen again. I can't promise I won't freeze when I feel something goes against my morals and values. But I will promise that if I think my actions will effect the others, I'll step back and stay out of the way."

I clenched and unclenched my fists several time. "No. You were right. If me saving the people I care about and are still alive by killing an undead child makes me a monster, then I'll gladly accept the title. When we met, I thought you brought something valuable to the table, and I, me, I am the one who introduced you to my group. If something happens to them because you chose to 'step aside' then that's on me too. You may not be able to make many promises, but I will tell you now, if your actions kills one of my people, I will slit your throat and not bat an eye, because I'm a monster, remember?"

His pained expression was the last thing I saw before an explosion knocked the both of us off our feet. Xavier reached out to me, tucking me under him as debris flew all around us.

As dust settled, I shoved him off and ran towards the vehicles. Carlos, wide eyed and with Cerberus on his heels with his tail tucked, slammed into my arms. I tried talking but all I could hear was a ringing sound. Carlos mouthed something, shook his head, then grabbed my arm and yanked me towards my Jeep. We scrambled inside. Chogan was in the driver's seat, blood dribbling down the side of his face.

His facial muscles relaxed a fraction before tightening back up as he cranked the engine and...

"What about Xavier?" I still couldn't hear my own voice. The others acted like I hadn't said anything. I spun around in my seat. Xavier was climbing into the bus. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

We were back on the highway, this time out in front with the bus following. Slowly, the ringing dissipated, and my hearing gradually came back.

"What in the hell happened?" My voice broke the trance Chogan had been in, and Carlos moved closer to the front seat.

"There was a tank. Chogan noticed it as it came around the underpass. He told us to hide, but we couldn't get your attention. Whoever was in the tank aimed towards you and X. They fired, and thankfully missed." Carlos chattered, and chuckled nervously.

"They didn't miss." This from Chogan.

"What do you mean?" As Carlos questioned Chogan, I kept glancing behind us. The bus was following but it didn't look as if anyone else was. I didn't think a tank would be able to keep up, but if there had been anyone else with them in regular vehicles... well, our bus couldn't outrun them.

"Whoever was in the tank purposely missed. The projectile was only close enough to either harm or incapacitate us, not completely kill us. The question we should be asking, is why?"

"Maybe it was a warning. We are getting closer to the fort." I shrugged.

"The military wasn't like this when we first arrived. They were more accepting. Of sorts." Chogan mused.

"Maybe something happened after we left the first time." Carlos slouched back against the seat, already bored of the conversation.

"Where to next?" Raiding the store was now out of question. We needed a place to lay low for awhile.

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