Starting Point

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Kids rush into the class that we're in and wait for the teacher to come in as well, but then the worst person I know walks through the door,

"Adam!" an idiot yells as My brother, Adam, walks in.

I roll my eyes, then he looks at me "Look who it is, " he announces, "my freaky twin brother,"

I say nothing and act like I don't know him, and sit emotionless in my chair in the back

"Come on, don't act like that little bro," he demands me, "tell me something, Ali, "

I turn and look at him agitatedly, with a glare.


He kneels down next to my chair, "What are the voices saying now?" he mocks me

I tilt my head angrily at him, but hold back.

"Tell him that I say, that we'll beat him to a pulp!" He screams

"He's just baiting us, you idiot, " I think to myself.

"Oh come on, tell me psychopath, "

Everyone laughs as he says this to me, but they all stop when I say,


"What?" they all stare at me.

I turn my head and look at all of them,
"I'm. A. Sociopath. "

They all stare at me disgusted and scared, but I look in the corner and see her staring at me smiling, it's subtle, but it's there,

"We're ganna beat the tar out of you, freak, " My brothers friend says to me.

"What was that Mr. Keith?" My teacher Mr. Andrews walks in.

I breath out holding in my heavy rage, "Stay for now. " I command him.

"Only until this class ends, " he tells me, "after that.. we snap, "

I say nothing back, and throughout the whole class He doesn't do anything, but the whole time the girl, Bay, stares at me, smiling.

I leave the classroom as soon as class starts even through Mr. Andrews told me to stay for a while after, and I rush into the boys bathroom.

"That was close, " He says with a sadistic tone, "come on, just let it out,"

I sit in the bathroom for a second, then pull out my phone, it's cracked up from the last time I got jumped by my brother and his followers.
I hold my phone tightly in my hand and look at it for one second more then I throw it at the bathroom mirror, and glass shatters everywhere, and I do this with the rest of the bathroom mirrors until glass is covering the floor.
Then I leave.

"What were you doing in there?" a anonymous voice asks me from behind, and I turn to see..... Bay.

"it's none of your business, "

"Sounded like glass shattering, "

"It's none of your business, " I tell her once more

She walks towards me and gets close to my face and I twitch just a bit as she puts her hand on my shoulder and whisper in my ear asking:
"What was that in the classroom with your brother?"

"Like I said before," I throw her hand off my shoulder and push her away, "it's none of your business, "

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