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Later that night while I slept I heard,

As I hear it I wake up immediately,
"Who's there?" I say rubbing my eyes,

"Alistair," The anonymous voices elongates the sound of my name ,

"What?!" I scream, "Who is that?"

"Alistair, come here!" The disembodied voice calls out to me,

I stand still and look around, but no person nor thing is around me,

Then suddenly the voice says from behind me:
"Turn around, Alistair, I'm right here,"

So I turn around and see nothing but an endless void, "Where?!" I scream.

Then a door appears in front of me,
"Through the door, Alistair, come here," They call me,

So I walk towards the door, and as I walk a sound like thunder comes from under my feet, and the ground starts to break,

"Run!" The voice calls me ,

So I run through the door as fast as I can, only to find my bathroom, and I look around, wondering what is going on,

"Look at me, Alistair," The anonymous voice commands me coming from the mirror,

So I look, turning my head slowly towards the mirror, and as I look it cracks and the voice starts to laugh.

"Do you see it now?" The voice asks, "do you see it?"

"See what?" I ask scared,

"I thought you'd see it," the voice laughs, "Don't you see it?"

I look in the mirror again and see a shadow looming over me with a sadistic smile made of light,

"Do you see it,"

My mind goes blank in a second,

The Shadow starts to form into my shadow, and I turn around instantly, and see my shadow smiling with a smile made up of light, my eyes go wide, and I start to shake,

"Are you scared?" The Shadow asks

"No," I shakingly lie,

The Shadow then turns into dust, after whispering: "I'll come back soon,"

I jump up immediately, in a cold sweat, then swallow hard, breathing in my nose then out of my mouth, and get out of the bed, walking to my bathroom,
"What the heck was that?" I ask myself,

"Just a nightmare, " He answers me,

I sit and look in the mirror, rub my eyes, then sigh,
"Was that because of you?"

"It's funny that you blame me for everything that goes through your head, " he agitatedly laughs

"I'm not blaming, just asking, " I say roughly

"I don't know what caused it, " He tells me sternly

"Whatever, " I walk out of the bathroom,  and look at the clock and it's 5:37 am, I plop down on my bed and sigh, "I can sleep a little while longer, "

As I close my eyes, a dark face appears, and I immediately open them back up, "Or maybe not, " I continue,

"Face it kid, " He whispers to me, "this is your life now,"

"My life?" I ask confused

"Yeah ya know, crazy dreams, acting weird, a voice in your head that sometimes controls you, I mean......this is your life now, "

I sit up, sigh, and whisper, "I know, " in a sadistic way,

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