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Four years ago, John Proudstar and other mutant veterans tried to raise money for the victims of the 7/15 incident. The same incident that killed Agent Turner's daughter. The non-mutants are resentful of John. It's so bad that someone throws a pipe bomb at their table. John is able to get rid of it, but it leaves him uneasy.

Present Day

Marcos tells John that there are rumors of mutants hunting mutants for Sentinel Services. John is worried. They barely have a hold on the humans. If they have to fight mutants too, they are done for. Marcos wants to break into the federal building in Baton Rouge to find out what they are doing. John says Sentinel Services changed their game, so they have to as well.

Andy observes that more people have arrived. Lauren says its their fault that mutants have had to go into hiding. Andy leaves to get more water.

A new guy approaches Lauren and tries to flirt with her. He creates an illusion that everyone is gone. His name is Wes. Lauren says she needs to get back to work, but she smiles as she walks away.

Caitlin examines a new mutant. He has to be about 13. The kid tells Caitlin that he uses his powers 2-3 times a day. He says he only uses them to get food. Caitlin releases him and sees Polaris with another teen. The teen girl is raising water from a vase in the air. When she lets it go, it breaks the vase. Polaris tells the girl that she will start training her. Caitlin asks what they are training for. Polaris tells her they have to train for combat, because they are being hunted.

John asks Clarice for her help to get into the federal building, but something is wrong. Clarice is still mad about Dreamer putting memories in her head. John apologizes, but says they needed her help. She asks John if he has feelings for her. He answers that it's complicated. She tells him that it's about to get less complicated. Clarice leaves the Mutant Underground.

John meets with Reed and other mutants. Reed tells them what he knows one of the judges housed in the building. Shatter starts to question Reed's intel, but Marcos tells him it doesn't matter. They only need to worry about the mutant files. Marcos suggests using Clarice to get into the building. John tells everyone that Clarice left, so they have to figure out another way in. Andy says he can get through the wall. Reed is reluctant to let Andy help. Andy says the kids are in just as much danger if not more. He says he can get through the wall quicker than anyone else. It's time that Reed lets Andy fight.

Caitlin expresses her concern to Reed. Reed says it's a chance for him to reconnect with Andy. They are being transported in a moving van, so Andy will be close to Reed for the entire trip. Caitlin notices that Reed doesn't have his wedding ring. He says Sentinel Services took it when he went to jail. They say they will talk later and Reed leaves.

Lauren watches them go. Wes tries to talk to her again, but Lauren isn’t in the mood to talk.

Agent Jace Turner returns to work. His partner reminds him that he’s on a mandatory leave of absence, but Jace doesn’t care. He goes to his office and calls Dr. Roderick Campbell.

Reed, Andy and Marcos are on their way to Baton Rouge. Reed tries to talk to Andy about being bullied. He says he talked to the school principal about it. Andy says he knows. Reed is the reason the bullies went after him at the gym. Reed wishes Andy would have talked to him. They are interrupted by a cop siren. The cop pulls over the truck and wants to see what is in the back. Marcos uses his power to absorb the light in the front of the cargo hold. The driver opens the doors and the cops shines a light into the truck. He can’t see anything, gets another call, and lets the truck go.

John is moving stones around when Dreamer approaches him. She asks about Clarice. John says it didn’t go well which fits with everything else going on. Dreamer knows he’s talking about Pulse. She says it’s not John’s fault that he was captured. John feels guilty for leaving Pulse behind and says the X-Men made a mistake by choosing him. He says he’s not doing enough and now they have more mutants to protect. Dreamer assures him that he was the right choice because they are expecting a war. John says they may not win.

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