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The Shane Gang were riding their Meca Beasts through the Jungle Cavern.

"After much consideration, I have the dose that your plan has only one flaw, we're counting on Swik!" Pronto exclaims.

"Swik has been... somewhat reliable to us. Besides, have my plans ever let us down?-"

The Shane Gang say, "Yeeeesss" and Junjie says, "Occasionally..?"

"Well, were still here and this is the best plan we've got!" Then, a giant mushroom tree falls right infront of them, blocking there path. Then, all of the Underlords surround them, a few on top of the fallen mushroom tree, some on giant green boulders and some on the ground.

"That's.... is alot of Underlords.." Junjie says and an Underlord laughs, they all aim their blasters at them. The Dia-fu jumps off one of the giant mushroom tress and lands on the fallen mushroom tree, "Your defeat is assured. The only question is weather we do this the easy way or the hard way!"

"The hard way!-" the ShaneGang shout.

"The easy way would be better..." Trixie and Ford look at Pronto and he sighs in defeat, "The hard way.."

The Dia-fu evilly chuckles and shoots a Ghouled Armashelt at Junjie. Junjie rides closer and backflips off his Meca Beast and douges the Ghouled Armashelt. He shoots a Vinedrill directly at her but she simply hits the Vinedrill away with her staff.

"Please, my teacher, my fight is not with you!" Junjie said

"It is! If your fighting is with my master!" She shoots a Ghouled Dirt Urchin and Junjie shoots a Ramstone. They both start to use Slug-Fu and makes the slugs bounce off eachother.

The Underlords shoot their ghouls and Trixie hangs on the other side of her Meca Beast for a shelid and shoots a Tormato which spins around the Underlords, creating a small tornado.

Another Underlord shoots a Ghouled Frostcrawler and Pronto yields his Meca Beast from the Ghouled Frostcrawler's ice attack and shoots a Speedstinger and hits one of the Underlords and bounces off the mushroom tree and hits the other Underlord.

Eli shoots a Vinedrill and it hits directly in the middle of three Underlords and explodes, creating vines that knocked the three Underlords off the fallen mushroom tree. The other Underlord shoots a ghoul at Ford and Ford simply douges it and shoots a Jellyish. The Jellyish spits out a gooey substance at the Underlord and it causes him to fall off the fallen mushroom tree.

Ford laughs but then the Ironwarrior comes to join the party.

"Eh.. guys.." Ford says and the Trixie and Pronto both had a worried expression.

The Ironwarrior activates it's blaster and starts shooting ghouls at them, "MOVe!" Ford yells and they all turn their Meca Beasts around and ride the opposite direction of the Ironwarrior.

The Dia-fu shoots a Ghouled Ramstone and hits Junjie, letting him slide next to Eli. "I take it you for better than I?"

"You handle her! I'll take care of it" Burpy and the Darkfurnas jump onto Eli's shoulder.

"You always take the easer jobs" Junjie says and shoots a Ramstone. The Dia-fu side-flips over it and sticks the landing.

"Let's see if you two will put a dent in him!" Eli said and Burpy and the Darkfurnas nod. Burpy jumps into Eli's blaster and the Darkfurnas jumps into Eli's wristblaster. He aims and shoots them at the same time, Burpy and the Darkfurnas transform and start to spin in a circle and they become one. Burpy being the chosen one and has the Darkfurnas's spikes and green fire.

Burpy flaps his wings and his spikes glew green and he flies straight to the Ironwarrior and explodes. The smoke clears and the Ironwarrior still stands, covered in ash.


The Ironwarrior shoots ghouls at Eli and flings him pass Junjie. Junjie watches as Eli passes him and looks at the Shane Gang being shot by ghouls and being knocked out. Then looks back at the Dia-fu and the Ironwarrior walking towards him, "This isn't over!"

Junjie hears the stumps of the Ironwarrior and turns around, "Oh Yes" She starts to laugh, "It's is!" She shoots a Ghouled Tazerling and the Tazerling shoots a bolt of red lighting at Junjie which eletricutes him and makes him fall to the ground.

"Junjie, Junjie! Junjie, are you okay?" Eli asked as June slowly rose from the bed.

"I am" Junjie then sees that they were in a cell.

"Eli! I don't want this to sound like criticism. buutt so far your plan sticks" Pronto says and Trixie hits him in the back, "What!? Eh- Ow.." Trixie shook her head and Ford just simply watches.

"And my efforts have only made things worst for us-" Junjie and Eli give eachother a side eye until another voice interupts them.

"Worst for you??"

"Underlord Holt?" Trixie says.

"I am the one who's, now stuck, looking at your dudlish faces! For the rest of my days"

"Wow, still a jerk" Trixie says, not so suprised.

"Yea, why you gotta be so mean?" Holt chuckles and a few Underlords walk into the room and towards Junjie and Eli's cell.

"Good! Your awake, the Emperor is waiting" one of the Underlords says, looking directly at Junjie.

LEAVE IT ON A CLIFFHANGER!! MUHAHAHAH!!! Oh well, Farewell humans from the surface! See you next Monday!

Sincerely, PyroTheDarkfurnas

Slugterra - The Darkfurnas 2 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now