Part 1

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"What is this?!" Xiaojun snatches the book from Faye's hands. She tries to retrieve it but he holds it up too high for her reach.
"Give it back Jun!!"
He laughs as he reads the book cover aloud. "A beginner's guide to Mandarin?"

Faye tickles him in order to bring his arm down. Xiaojun quickly turns his arms inward as he laughs from the touch. He looses grip of the book and it falls to the floor. She quickly retrieves it.

"Faye why do you have that book?" He asks as he recovers from the tickling.

She steps further away from him just in case he tried to steal it again. "You know why...".

Faye was traveling with WayV to Shanghai from Toyko for the company's Christmas party. This would be her first time in China and she spoke little to no Mandarin. The only words she knew were the ones Xiaojun would teach her sparingly.

"You don't have to worry about translating because I'll be with you the entire time." He reaches out for her hand and and their fingers interlock.

Faye takes her other hand and pushes his bangs back. "I think you're forgetting that I'm technically a second wheel on this trip."

Suddenly, Yanyang comes in between them and rings his arms around their necks. "Can't wait to go back home!" He says with excitement. "Tokyo is great but I'm craving a good ol' hotpot." He turns to each of their heads. "Oh." Yangyang gasps. "Did I interrupt something?"

Ten comes up behind them and pulls yangyang from his ear. "Yes you idiot. Come on, first class is boarding."

"Ow! Let go!" He yells as Ten drags him to the boarding line.

Xiaojun hugs Faye. "I'll see you when we land." He kisses her forehead and joins the other members.

Faye sees the members board first and waits until economy class is called. When it's finally her turn to board, she hands over the boarding pass to the flight attendant. She looks at her pass and hands it back to her without tearing off the stub.
"I'm sorry but you're flight isn't until later this afternoon. Next!"

Faye doesnt move. "Wait what?! This can't be." She looks at the pass and confirmed what the attendant said. Her flight was at the same date, same gate, even same airline, but hours later from the one she expected to get on.

"Please step aside there are others trying to board."

"I need to get on this plane!" Faye said with desperation.

A security guard moved closer in their direction. "Do I need to remove you?" He said in a demanding tone.

Faye shook her head and stepped away. Xiaojun and her were suppose to land together, they had planned this since she was given permission to go with them. She ran to the window and looked out at the plane. She reached into her pocket for her phone and quickly dialed Xiaojun. The line didnt ring and went directly to voicemail. There was nothing she could do but wait for the next flight.

Lost in Shanghai [Xiaojun ff]Where stories live. Discover now