Part 3

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The 20 minute drive turned into an hour with all the traffic. The sky was already pitch black but the city's tall skyscrapers heavily lit the streets. The driver dropped her off in front a large black building. "Good luck finding your boyfriend." He laughed and drove off.

Faye was not sure if this was the Sm building but she needed to think smart before talking to anyone or else she would sound like a crazy fan. The streets were filled with people she could ask. She rolled her luggage close to the sidewalk. People passed by her and avoided making eye contact. She approached a young couple who were taking pictures in front of a Christmas display.

"Hi, I need help with translating." She said precariously.

The woman shook her head. "No english sorry." They bowed and walked away.

Faye buried her face in her hands. This was going to be impossible. No one would listen to her. No one would help her. Faye sat on her suitcase, her face still buried in her hands. Tears seeped through her fingers and ran down her arms. Faye had jumped through several hoops to convince xiaojun's manager to let her come with them. She had worked so hard to get on the company's good side in order to let them date. They were finally given a chance to be together on an outing and it all turned to hell. How must Xiaojun be feeling? Was he even looking for her? She clenched her necklace that he had given her for her birthday. He had sent it to her through mail while he was on tour. If he remembered her birthday when he was at his busiest, he surely was trying his best to find her. She also had to try her best.

Faye wiped her nose on her sleeve and stood up. People walked around her and stared, of course they stared at some random girl crying in the middle of a busy street on Christmas day. She walked to a nearby bench and plopped her suitcase next to her. She latched her suitcase open, expecting to find a miracle. The first thing she saw stacked on top of all her belongings was the Mandarin phrase book. She slapped her forehead. "I'm such an idiot!" She quickly opened it and looked for an appropriate phrase. Faye walked to a near by vendor and to the best of her ability tried to ask for help. The vendor was an elderly woman who was selling street food. The woman scrunched up her face in confusion after hearing Faye's request. She answered her but in Mandarin.

"Wow I'm an actually idiot." Faye slapped herself I'm the face with the book. She might be able to ask what she wanted to but she didnt think about understanding the response. Faye started to bow and almost walked away until the vendor started to speak to her in English.

"Are you lost? Do you need help?" She asked.
Faye nodded vigorously. Finally a breakthrough she thought. "I need to download an app to call my friend. Can you help me?" Faye handed over her phone to the vendor and she started to look for the app. "I see a lot of foreigners use this one." She handed it back to Faye and as the app started to download.

Faye almost kissed the vendors feet out of gratitude. "Thank you so much!Thank you! I don't have any money with me to thank you!"

"It's no problem." She shook her head and smiled.

The app finished downloading and she quickly made an account. Her hands trembled as she tried to type as fast as she could. Finally she was able to dial Xiaojun's number and the line rang. Almost immediately he picked up.

"FAYE?! FAYE IS THAT YOU?!" He yelled over the phone.

She started to sob at the sound of his voice. She couldn't hold back her tears. "JUN! JUN I'm lost!" She said in between tears.

She could hear him breathing heavy out of desperation."Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!"

"The flight got mixed up!" She rambled. "No one could help me. Then I took a taxi and..." Faye continued to sob.

"Listen listen. Where are you?! I'm coming to pick you up!" Over the phone she could here the other members in the background curious about her whereabouts.

Faye looked around the streets but there was no indication where she was. She walked back to the vendor and asked her to give Xiaojun their location.

"You're there?! How in the world did you end up there?" He asked.

Faye could hear the members talking over each other in the background. "Dont tell her that you jerk!" She heard Ten say.

There was a more rustling and white noise before she heard Kun's voice. "Faye the hotel you were going to stay in is 30 minutes from there." He said in a calm voice. "We're going to send you the address. Take a taxi give them the address to take you straight there okay?"

"Okay." Faye wipped her face off.

"Faye, faye!" Xiaojun said desperately. "You're okay right? Please tell me you're okay?!"

"Of course she's not okay she's lost!" Yelled out yangyang in the background.

"Mmhmm. I'm okay now."

"Go to the hotel and I'll meet you there."

As soon as they hung up. She received the text message with the address of the hotel. She approached the main street where cars were allowed to drive through and scanned the area for a taxi. She found one and immediately showed the driver her phone through the window. "Can you take me here?" She asked.

The taxi driver rolled down his window. "Where? You're phone is off." He said.
Faye brought the phone closer to her face. She pressed the power button several times but it was no use, her phone had died.

Lost in Shanghai [Xiaojun ff]Where stories live. Discover now