Part 1 - A Change of Plans

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It was the beginning of a new school year yet again at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. For many it was a wondrous arrival as it was their first year, for others it was like the face of a familiar friend as it was not their first rodeo. Crowds of students of a variety of different ages walked down the hallways, through corridors, past doors of hidden purposes, and crossed the threshold of the large dining hall, filling Hogwarts with the bustle of laughter and excited chattering. The evening began as it always had at the beginning of a new year - a welcoming speech by the headmaster followed by the long anticipated sorting ceremony. Every time a Hogwarts house got a new member, it was received with eager and warm claps and cheers as they are welcomed with open arms.

After the sorting ceremony had taken its end, the headmaster, Minerva McGonagall, stepped up to the podium and began to speak. A group of seventh year students passed out pieces of papers to each student. "Good evening, students," McGonagall began in a calm, serious tone. "Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And if you are returning," she added, giving the room a glance over with a small smile. "Welcome back. Now that the sorting ceremony has concluded, and before we dismiss you to be escorted to your rooms, I have an announcement to make."

Some of the students who have known McGonagall as the headmaster whispered amongst themselves. Usually, this did not happen. Usually, she gave her usual, traditional speech and let the students go. Announcements, if there were any, were usually given the following day in order not to overwhelm new students on the day of their arrival.

"I have spoken with the professors," McGonagall continued, ignoring the whispers and confused looks. "And we have agreed that we wanted to try something... a little different this year."

Everyone looked at one another. The Ravenclaws exchanged confused glances, the Hufflepuffs tittered in an excited manner, the Slytherins whispered to each other, and the Gryffindors looked like they wanted to jump up and ask many questions. Cassandra Weasley, one of the children of the famous Ron and Hermione Weasley, turned to her fellow Gryffindor and with a toss of her wavy orange hair, whispered, "what is she going on about, I wonder."

McGonagall continued on, still ignoring the whispers. "We noticed that throughout the years, that students tend to socialize with those who are in the same houses. This tends to cause rivalries between houses, which we can see clearly in houses such as Gryffindor and Slytherin. While your house should be like your family, we also want you to make friends in other houses."

Kara Malfoy, the attractive white-haired daughter of Draco Malfoy turned to her brothers, Dacian and Scorpius, and said in a low tone, "this better not be going where I think it is."

Unfortunately, it was. "We are assigning everyone a group, and in that group will be one person from each Hogwarts house. One Hufflepuff, one Ravenclaw, one Slytherin, and one Gryffindor. We ask that you get to know one another and create a strong friendship with them. We hope that this change will cause the bad blood between the houses to lift," McGonagall explained calmly, but there was a twinkle in her eyes that told those who say it she was genuinely excited for this experiment. "The pieces of paper that were handed to you has the name of the people in your group. Instead of going straight to your rooms after I dismiss you, I ask that you find your group mates and get to know them a bit before retiring for the night."

Murmurs filled the room. McGonagall held up a hand as a signal for silence, and the dining hall slowly became quiet again. "Again, welcome to Hogwarts. You may find your group now."

Immediately, everyone looked at their papers. Students spread across the dining hall looking for the names on their list. On the list was only the students first name and the initial of their last name, so there was a lot of asking around for names such as a Joey B. or a Crimson A.

Kara Malfoy groaned to her brothers, "are you kidding me? I'd be caught dead rather than talk to a Gryffindor." But she got up anyway and went to hunt down her group, looking for a Lexie J., a Myrta H., and a Cassandra W.

Cassandra blew a stray piece of frizzy hair out of her face in frustration. "No way. I am not going to be friends with a Slytherin."

One of Cassandra's friends shrugged his shoulders and got to his feet. "Well, we kinda have to. See you, Cass."

After he left, Cassandra got to her feet and started to look around as well, seeing on her paper that she had to look for a Kara M., Lexie J., and a Myrta H.

Lexie Johnson, a blonde short-haired Hufflepuff with freckles that spilled all over her cheeks and nose, decided to whip up a small sign with the names of her group mates and sat in her seat. She waited patiently for them to see it and come over.

Myrta Hammers, a long black-haired Ravenclaw with round glasses, spotted the sign first and walked over with a grimace on her face and sat down. Cassandra was the next one to find the group and sat down in between Lexie and Myrta without saying a word. Lexie tried to initiate conversation but it was mostly futile.

Finally, Kara found them. "I'm guessing you guys are my group," she said, gesturing to the sign Lexie had whipped up. Everyone nodded. Cassandra saw Kara's white hair and the initial of her last name, and guess who she was - and wasn't all that happy about it. "Alright then," Kara continued, sitting down on the opposite side of the table facing the rest of her group. She picked up the paper she was given. "The paper said we should introduce one I guess I'll go first."

Cassandra had enough it already - knowing she would have to become friends with the daughter of the man who gave her parents and Uncle Harry so much trouble irritated her to no end. "Oh come off it - we already know you're a Malfoy." she spat out the last word like it was venom as she glared at Kara

Glaring back, Kara leaned forward. "Oh, really? By your frizzy orange hair I bet you're a Weasley."

Cassandra smirked, proud of her family name. "Sure. Got a problem with that?"

"Got a problem with me being a Malfoy, knobhead?" Kara responded heatedly. Cassandra's smirk faded at the insult and they both started to get to their feet as if ready to pick a fight.

With a panicked look on her face, Lexie stood up quickly, waving her hands around. "Guys, guys," she spoke hurriedly with an American accent. "We're supposed to be getting along... maybe try to be a bit civilized here?"

Kara glared at Cassandra. "I will if she will," she said through gritted teeth.

"Fine," Cassandra answered, sitting down and folding her arms.

"Good," said Lexie. "Let's introduce one another, shall we?"

The rest of the group nodded.

Lexie cleared her throat and began, "I'm Lexie Johnson. I'm a fifth year Hufflepuff, I'm also the cousin of Luna Lovegood, plus an exchange student from America."

Myrta perked up and spoke for the first time. "They let you transfer here? They allow that?" she asked curiously.

"Apparently," Lexie laughed, shrugging. "They must if I'm here. You can go next if you'd like," she offered.

"Sure, I guess," replied Myrta quietly. "I'm Myrta Hammers. Sixth year. Ravenclaw."

Kara gave a start and examined Myrta with narrowed eyes. "Myrta?" she asked. "Like, Myrtle?

Seeing that she didn't understanding the reference to Moaning Myrtle, the ghost who used to haunt the girl's restroom on the second floor, Kara waved her hand, "Nevermind. I guess I'll go next. I'm Kara Malfoy, I'm also a sixth year, and I have two brothers, Scorpius and Dacian."

Lexie nodded with a smile, and turned to Cassandra to encourage her to speak next.

With a sigh, Cassandra opened her mouth to speak, "I'm Cassandra Weasley. I'm a seventh year, and I have two younger siblings, Rose and Hugo."

"Great!" Lexie said with a big grin. She turned to Kara. "What else does the paper say we should do?"

Kara looked down at the paper. "It just has some questions for us to answer - you know, like, get-to-know-you questions."

Lexie clapped excitedly. "Let's do it!"

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