Part 4 - Dacian Malfoy

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As soon as the class was over, Cassandra zipped out of the room to find Kara. It took a while to find her since all the students were rushing about or standing in the hallway talking, so it was about a good ten minuted before Cass spotted the Malfoy girl in the crowd.

"Kara," Cass called, approaching her.

Kara turned around from talking to a brown-haired Slytherin. "Hey, Cass," she greeted her. She had the air of I don't want to talk to a Gryffindor in front of my Slytherin friends right now. But she plastered on a smile. "What's up?"

"I was curious about this sixth year Slytherin that shows up in my Defense Against the Dark Arts class," Cassandra said, and through the corner of her eye saw the brown-haired girl fidget and roll her eyes. "He has white hair like you - so I thought there might be some sort of a relation to you?"

"Oh," Kara snorted, and rolled her eyes too. "That's just Dacian, one of my brothers. He was too advanced for the sixth year DATDA class, so he got to move up."

Cass' curiosity was peaked. "Really? Well, can you-"

Kara cut her off. "Sorry Cass, I promised to meet someone after class so I have to get going. Talk to you after dinner?"

"Sure," Cassandra nodded, and watched Kara maneuver her way through the crowded hallway. Cass saw a movement through the corner of her eye and say the brown-haired girl walking in the opposite direction. In idea struck her, and she took off after the girl. "Hey!" she called, trying to avoid colliding into other students. "Hey, you...Slytherin - wait!"

The brown-haired girl stopped and looked behind her, realizing Cassandra was talking to her. She grunted, folded her arms, and waited for Cass to catch up. "What?" she huffed when the Gryffindor stopped in front of her.

"I saw you talking to Kara, so I was wondering if you knew anything about Dacian Malfoy?" Cass asked breathlessly, determined to get more information about her watcher and possibly secret admirer. "Look, I know you don't like Gryffindor's, but I'll leave you alone after this, I promise."

The girl looked at Cass with narrowed eyes. It was true, the girl had a reputation for hating other houses - mostly for Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors. "Fine," she said, not looking happy about it. "I'm Lila Andrews** - what do you want to know?"

"I was curious what Dacian is like," Cass told her. "I caught him watching me in Dark Arts."

Lila snorted. "Really? Gross. He's a weird odd-ball for sure. While Kara wants to put the past of her family's wrong-doings behind her, Dacian seems to want to follow in the footsteps of how his father, Draco, acted for his duration at Hogwarts."

Cass cocked her head. "That's.... interesting."

Lila nodded. "For sure. He may seem smart in DATDA, but that's the only class he cares about besides potions. It's like he's conspiring or something." she added a bit sarcastically.

"Really? Well, thanks for the info," Cass told her, and handed Lila a small vial of liquid luck. "Here's something in return."

Lila gave her a small smile. "No problem," she said, and walked off with the liquid luck in her hands.

Cass watched her walk off, thinking about what she learned so far. Maybe I'll-

Before she could finish that thought, a different Slytherin girl bumped into her shoulder as she tried to get by. Cass turned around to look at her.

"Sorry," the black-haired girl murmured, seeming to try and avoid Cass' eyes and continued to walk away.

Cass cocked her head. Interesting... she thought, could've swearing that she knew that girl from somewhere. But she couldn't put a finger to the name or place.

"Hey," a slightly deep voice greeted her from behind, startling her.

Cass whirled around, coming face-to-face with Dacian Malfoy - the person of suspicion. "You!" she accused, pointing a finger in his face.

Dacian smirked, crossing his arms. "Heard you were asking about me," he said, using a tone that told Cass he was probably a bit stuck up and prideful - like how Draco was during his time at Hogwarts.

"Yeah," Cass responded, narrowing her eyes. "Why were you staring at me during class?"

"Oh don't flatter yourself," he replied, but purposely looked her over in a slow manner that begged to differ. "Why would I look at you?"

Cass snorted and turned on her heel to walk away.

"He-ey!" Dacian called, trotting after her. He walked in front of Cass and walked backwards so he could face her as she maintained a brisk pace. "Sorry, okay? I only meant to say-"

"Save it, bud," Cass rolled her eyes. "You've got the air of a half-witted, entitled prat, player, betrayer, and a liar. So stuff it." She turned the corner and lost him in the crowd of students, leaving him behind to stare after her looking flabbergasted.

Dacian stood there for a moment longer, rubbed the back of his neck, and turned to walk in the opposite direction. "That went well," he muttered under his breath.


**Lila Andrews is a Harry Potter OC that was created by a TikTok-er who is a part of the TikTok series***

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