*Special Facts About the Characters!*

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Happy New Year, my lovies! I just want to say thank you for all of the votes, comments, and views so far on the series! I'm so glad you are enjoying the story so far, and I hope you are keeping an eye on the TikTok videos under the #taleoffourhouses hashtag! Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot of time to write a new episode in the past week - my weird sleep schedule is messing with my ability to write something substantial - so I thought I would quick whip up a few special facts about the Main Four!



Of course, the first one up is Cassandra Weasley! Besides the known fact that she is the eldest daughter of Ron and Hermione Weasley, and that she is the big sister to Rose and Hugo, she also hates the expectations that she is given. She wants to be smart like her mother and fiercely loyal like her father, but sometimes it's hard to live up to that.

A few facts about Cass that not a lot of people know is:

1. She hates sweets - give her a lemon tart or something sour and she'll love that more than a chocolate bar. Her favorite meals or desserts always seem to have lemon in it, like lemon meringue pie or lemon chicken. She's also a fan of Chinese food, especially sweet and sour chicken with a small bowl of white rice.

2. She loves studying ancient history and languages. She has been known to decipher codes and ancient or dead languages within hours or days. She was able to help translate an old journal that was written in Atlantean, the language of the people of Atlantis - it helped inspire an expedition to go and try to find the lost city, and the ship was named "The Cassandra Weasley" in her honor.

3. She is determined to succeed at everything she tries - so determined it can become an obsession if she doesn't get it right within the first three tries. She barely slept for a whole semester because she wouldn't give up trying to produce a Patronus. She finally managed to do so right before the end of the third year, the same year her Uncle Harry produced his. (and in case you are wondering, her Patronus is an eastern dragon)

4. She also has a hard time letting go of certain things- like an obsession, hobby, person, or a challenge. She once spent 2 months obsessing over getting liquid luck to turn out right, and now she has almost 20 bottles of it hidden under her bed in her room. It's pretty useful if she needs to ask for a favor.

5. She has a wild side that almost outmatches her dark side.


Next up is Lexie Johnson! She is a foreign exchange student from Manitou Springs, Colorado in the United States. She had to move to Massachusetts to attend the American version of Hogwarts, but got transferred over to Hogwarts for a reason not a lot of people know about. Her Patronus is an otter.

Now here are a few facts about Lexie Johnson, our special and adorable Hufflepuff:

1. She is the cousin of Luna Lovegood! While Luna was in her last year as a Hogwarts student, she and Lexie would send small newspaper and magazine clippings to one another of the weirdest things they could find. Lexie and Luna sent each other almost a briefcase full of them to one another.

2. Lexie was one of the students responsible for 'accidentally' putting gillyweed in a batch of cookies and giving it to the Slytherins. It took roughly an hour for the effects to wear off, but potions that day turned into a temporary swimming lesson.

3.She was temporarily possessed by a rogue wizard, thus why she was transferred to Hogwarts - it was to keep her from being found again and to help her grow more in her skill as a witch.

Tale of Four Houses: A Tiktok StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora