Chapter 3: Our days before the wedding

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Author's Note: I wrote Chapter 1 & 2 in a day due to frustration of the drama's ending. I just wanted to give them a good ending. Then I realized, I can fill in the 8 years gap between the two chapters, then conclude it with their wedding. Now we're in the 3/4 chapter. Next will be the final one.  Enjoy. - Michka :) 

"Ahhhhhhhhh...Finally done." Haoting yawned, closing his eyes and stretched his aching muscles. He turned off his computer and started packing. His work has been eating into his schedule more than he likes, but he needed to clear all the pending tasks by the deadlines. The game scaling and testing is a nightmare. With new technologies coming up every year, they have to work at extreme pace. The 10th Generation console that they are testing for Nintendo Switch VR-2 is finally approved. It should hit the market by January. Playing one, and working on one is not the same. 

After this, his one week leave for his wedding will start. He wanted to spend more time with Shigu. They barely have time to meet this past few months. Luckily his parents is helping them with the wedding preparation. His mother is extremely excited to be able to call and list all the connections she knows for the wedding. Haoting will leave that up to her.

He's meeting up with the Freedom Gang later. They are trying to squeeze at least a dinner outing once in a while. Sun Bo and Zhigang Ge got married two years ago. Sun Bo always charged ahead and worry about the consequence later. 2 years ago, Zhigang's grandfather consented to their relationship. Their wedding is done privately because grandfather needs time to accept it. It is good enough for them. They have two separate ceremony. The one with Sun Bo's family was a blast. Grandmother invited everyone, feeding guests with her specialty Leek Soup. 

Gao Chun is abroad for work. The gang would video-call him every time they hang out to tease him. He teases them back by bragging about the new places he visited and the ladies he courted. Xia En and Xia De is working with their family, managing business around Taipei. 

 'Shigu likes to look at stars, Haoting likes to look at Shigu.', the gang like to joke around. 

Haoting will pick Shigu from his workplace whenever he can. The Observatory is a beautiful place. He likes to drive Shigu around. After all this years, Shigu's eyes would always light up when he caught sight of clear skies and stars. His eyes darted from one pattern to another, excitedly reaching for his portable telescope from the backseat. He would exclaimed the names of random constellations and patted Haoting on his thigh. Haoting would often use this opportunity to steal a kiss. Startled and annoyed Shigu is fun to look at.  

Today is no different. 

"Xiang Hao Ting! Stop joking around." Shigu scrunched his face, annoyed. 

"I haven't kiss you today. I'm just recharging." He laugh while stepping on the speed. They will be late for dinner.  "We are not going anywhere this week, I will recharge properly later." He smirked. 

Shigu got used to Haoting's taunting, still he blushed.  He shrugged and texted Zhigang, '5 minutes. We're almost there.'


It's after midnight when they finished their drinking tour. The wedding arrangement is done. Zhigang and Sun Bo will be their best men.

 Sun Bo helped to get Shigu into the car.  Shigu drinks a lot today, so Haoting will have to drive. Sun Bo gave Haoting a knowing look. 

"Brother, don't be too rough with your Xiao Gu." 

"I won't. I'll love my Shigu tenderly." He laughed. 


Haoting carried Shigu into the bedroom. His face is flushed with alcohol. Such a lightweight. He removed Shigu's shoes, then lie down next to him. Shigu whined and started to nuzzle his cheeks. 

"Ah Hao. Ah Hao....Ah Hao." Shigu called out to him. Snuggling continues. 

"Shigu. I love you."

"Hmmmm...Shigu loves Ah Hao too." 

Haoting pulled Shigu into his arms. His partner let out small whines and grunts, snuggling closer. He kissed him on his forehead, stroking his fingers in his hair. Drunk Shigu is like a kid. In a week, this man will be legally his. 

This past 9 years, everyday feels like a dream. Sometimes they fight, then they make up. Everyday they learn something new about each other. Haoting is lucky, his family supported him a lot, financially and mentally. He learned to think before he speak or do something. Shigu supported him through his mistakes and failures, there are lessons to be learned. 

He closed his eyes, holding Shigu closer to his heart. "Good night Xiao Gu"


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