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I sighed out and walked down the deserted path that was slightly overgrown as the various plants and bushes had taken back what was there's to begin with, good for them at least.

I peered around and took a sharp right heading deeper into the mass of trees, I'm not home anymore. I am not in MY hell. No more MY Charlie and no more MY Husk or MY Angel or MY Niffty....

" I am just a fool to keep on chasing after nothing great..." I sniffed and wiped my oncoming tears

" They were just fools pretending to love me..." I knew they didn't actually love or care about me, they were just scared what i would do if they didn't show what they thought i wanted

" I don't know where I'm supposed to go... " I leant against a tree trunk and slid down it hugging my self tightly

I don't know how long i sat there but i knew that i wasn't alone.

" ~ There was a time when I was alone Nowhere to go and no place to call home My only friend was the man in the moon And even sometimes he would go away, too..." I sang softly as i sniffled and placed my head on my knees hiding my face from any view-

" -Then one night, as I closed my eyes I saw a shadow flying high He came to me with the sweetest smile Told me he wanted to talk for awhile " My ears perked high and i jolted to a standing position only to come eye to eye with a set of piercing red eyes with a set of brighter red irises

" He said, ' Peter Pan, that's what they call me I promise that you'll never be lonely, ' ~ " We sang in together as i stood up fully and hugged my mic close to me only now registering that the stranger was 'Me'

My lookalike rose a brow at me and i tried not to tear up as my anxiety kicked in-

" Why hello there, my Deer!" He said smiling at me wider than before, he seems nice?

" H-Hi there" I stuttered as i subconsciously shuffled back a tad, his smile faltered. We stood in silence for what felt like eternity

" You seem to be me?- Or am i m-mistaken?" I questioned as i fidgeted with my fingers

He chuckled " Aha! you seem to be correct my stunningly attractive fellow!"

I blushed, he thinks im attractive?

" I-I-Uh-I-Um..." I couldn't think of anything to say so i stood there red faced and shuffling my feet, he chuckled...We got to know each other standing there alone in the deep dark woods

Seems we are each other and that we seem to have a fair few things in common, more than i originally thought anyway.

Suddenly he took my face into his hands caressing my cheeks gently he moved in close.

" You should smile, My Buck...After all your never fully dressed without one~" He said, 'My Buck'????

" I-..." I felt tears surface, his eyes seemed to soften at the sight and wiped my eyes with his thumbs and brought me in for a hug. I jumped at the chance and clung to him while sniffling and whimpering....I wanted to go home...But, at the same time i didn't...

Me and Alastor came to the conclusion that he is the original Radio Demon so he kept the name and i will go by 'Ally' or 'Blue' or 'Blue Berry' or anything of the sort, i call him Bambi sometimes...

We parted ways but stayed in contact with each other, i found a nice cozy bar to hang around with some nice demons who seem to like me for me! they are really nice and caring and that came across as a surprise once i witnessed the 'aura' of Alastor's Hell.

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