Not that Much

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I hissed at Ash, she hissed back. I often do this when we both are bored. Spring was out shopping. " I'm looking for pajamas... And movie tickets." I rolled my eyes at the thought. " You won Ash." My mind flickered to the incident that happened. The cops going down the street sirens blaring. I shook my head. I didn't like thinking about it...especially when it had to do with him. When they slowed down by my house they obviously thought he would go here. But now I knew something else, something so important it can be used to kill him. He is a child. Probably ran away found the control center and played with it. The funny thing is, that I know exactly where the control center is so I can pay the child a visit.

As I stuck the note I reread it.

' Dear Spring,

I have left to finish something. I may not be home for dinner, don't freak out or anything. I will be home at midnight don't forget to shut all blinds and lock everything.



I imagined her frowning at the note crumbling it up. I gave Ash and Freckle one mouse each. Turning to leave I grabbed a granola bar. It reminded me that I didn't eat lunch or breakfast today. I finished the bar by the time I reached the end of the sidewalk.

Silently I walked down toward a bus stop. I saw some kids pushing a guy into the bus stop. Turning I glared at them. " You better stop it! Leave the boy alone!" I snarled. A tall boy mimicked me. I let my hood drop. They gasp and ran the other way. The boy that they bullied sat in the corner and was trembling. " Please...don't-" I cut him off. " Oh hush it! If I wanted to kill you I would have done it by now." The boy stood up. " Well, thank you. Your Warrior the Killer right?" I nodded. " Call me Storm. Your name?" The boy smiled. " Todd." With that he turned and ran down another street. I sighed and continued down the road I was on.

A small brown house covered in vines and plants stood in front of me. A light was on. I took a breath in. Here we go!

I busted the door open I saw what looked like a boy my age playing around with buttons. " These buttons don't even work!" He snapped in frustration. While he held down on one my ears started to burn at the high pitch alarm. " They do! Now stop it!" I shouted covering my ears. That startled the boy. " Warrior! Sorry! I didn't know! Please don't kill me." I sighed. " I was- and still am- controlled by these!

Everything you do with this has an affect on me. I came here to destroy it!" The boy stood up. " My uncle said no." I smiled me evil smile. " Well I say yes. So either listen to your uncle and die not to mention I will still get what I want or.... You can listen to me and not get injured." The boy hesitated. " No." I smiled. " Then are you ready to die?" I asked lunging at him. He screamed. Thrashing he backhanded my face right before I stabbed his stomach. Blood was covering my once white hoody. I didn't care. He coughed up blood. " Did you even care that you killed a boy who tried to help you." I knew he wasn't trying to help me. I smirked. " No not that much." With that his eyes glazed over, staring into nothing. I turned to the machine. It had wires everywhere. I carved the whiskers on his face and quickly took out the battery and microchip that made it all work. I walked a couple of miles until I saw a stream. I tossed the battery and microchip in making sure the swept away. I looked upward, the moon was at its peak. I smiled and walked back into the sidewalk making my way back to the house.

My Prey by StormWhere stories live. Discover now