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Todd walked around me reaching for the a cup. " So how long have you been a..." He trailed off obviously not wanting to say the word. " I can't remember... Ever since I was little.." Todd nodded. Sarah was on the couch. " I didn't think you would not have a house.." I said before Todd left. " Oh, um.. My mom died when I was four my dad abused me." I looked at him. Silently I hugged him. " That's really unfortunate." He nodded. I pulled away. Spring had just came down. Freckle was in her hands. Ash was already on my shoulder. " We need more food." I commented. Sarah leaped up from the couch. " I will do it! I need some stuff to decorate my room too. Todd do you want me to get you anything?" Todd looked up, the water he was drinking waved. " Umm.. Just a lamp, please." Sarah nodded and almost ran to the door. Spring and I instantly looked at each other. We shared the same expression. Why was she in a hurry?

Spring shrugged. I tilted my head, telling her that I felt she was hiding something. Spring nodded and made her fingers twirl the in the air. That was her language for defiantly. Todd looked toward Spring and I. " How do you understand what you two are saying?" I smiled. " We found ways." Spring said. Todd smiled.

When Sarah came home she gave us the bags of food to us and a bag to Todd. She instantly ran upstairs with the rest of the bags. I smiled and unpacked the bags. Bread, pork, steak, apples, bananas, and plums. I placed a few in the fridge, I left out three plums out for Todd, Sarah, and Spring. I took a plum from the bag and ate it. The warm taste of the plum flooded into my mouth. I closed my eyes in delight. I love plums. I walked upstairs. Stopping at the door which I assumed was Sarah's. I knocked and a few seconds later she opened the door. Her bed had some papers I didn't recognize. " I um... wanted to thank you." I said. " Oh um your welcome." Sarah said. Her room wall had small writing on it like notes. I read one word, spy.
Yep she definitely has a secret.

My Prey by StormWhere stories live. Discover now