Chapter 3-Evacuation

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Carol walked into the bathroom stall and sighed. The past week had been better than she expected- she hadn't become a social outcast like she expected, but had made lots of amazing friends all in one go. The problem was, things were slowing down. The novelty and nervous excitement of going to a new school was wearing off. School now went back to being boring and uninteresting.

Right as Carol was thinking these thoughts and stoning out, a loud sound rang out that pulled her back from her thoughts into reality. Carol had never heard it ring in this new school, but she had heard it enough times to know was it sounded like generally.

Shit, the fire bell, Carol thought.

An announcement then echoed throughout the school. "Attention students. This is not a drill. Please line up outside your classrooms and make your way to the open field in an orderly fashion. If you are in the toilet, get out and join the nearest class."

Carol hurried up and left the bathroom. She then turned to join the nearest class.


Valkyrie and Thor walked outside the classroom, grumbling. They hated it whenever they had to do a fire drill or a fire occured. You usually had to stand in the open field under the hot sun for at least thirty minutes, or longer, until the issue could be resolved.

"Stupid fire. Ruining my damn day." Valkyrie complained. She then turned her head to see Carol emerging from the bathroom and walking towards her and Thor.

"How do you like your day now?" Thor snickered and Valkyrie had to resist the urge to smack him in the ribs.

"Hey guys. I was just in the bathroom, so I joined this class," Carol said. Valkyrie smiled at her in acknowledgement and tried to act normal.

"You'll hate the way this school does their drills and evacuations. It sucks," Thor told Carol.

"Yeah. Kind of makes me want to jump in the fire," Valkyrie added, making Carol laugh. Valkyrie had to fight back a blush.

Seeing this exchange, Thor grinned. "Okay, well I'd better inform Mr. Fury that you are with our class," Thor said, grinning at Valkyrie. Shit, she thought. She shot Thor a glare that she hoped convey the thought "come back here you little shit" but it just made Thor grin even harder as he made his way to the front of the class where the teacher was, leaving Carol and Valkyrie alone and created a very awkward silence.

"Soo... your teacher's name is Mr. Fury?" Carol asked, trying to break the silence.

Valkyrie chuckled. "Yeah. Pretty badass right? He served in the army before becoming a teacher," Valkyrie responded.

"Wow. Why would you want to quit the army to become a teacher?" Carol mused.

"No one knows."

Thankfully, right as their short-lived conversation ended, Thor returned.

"I see you two have been chatting a bit, so you're best friends now? Cool, great," Thor laughed and patted both girls on their shoulders. Again, Valkyrie had to try to stop herself from punching Thor.

"Alright guys, let's get moving," Mr. Fury said and started leading the class to the field. Along the way, Thor, Valkyrie and Carol chatted, Thor being the medium to stop things from slipping into awkwardness.

Eventually they reached the field, and Mr. Fury called for Thor. "I'm going to investigate the matter, so please take care of the class," he told Thor, and then left. Thor smiled at Valkyrie, then left her and Carol to go to the front of the class.

Dammit, Valkyrie thought.

She and Carol sat in silence for a while, until Valkyrie broke the silence.

"I see Peter, Natasha and Steve over there!" She said, and moved off towards the trio, beckoning Carol to follow her.

"How do I follow you though that?" Carol asked, gesturing to the crowd.

Without thinking, Valkyrie extended a hand towards Carol, and Carol accepted it.

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