Chapter 6-Watching b99 1

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   "Tony! My guy!" Steve said, entering Tony's house. Natasha trailed behind him, as they lived nearby to each other and went to Tony's together.

   "Hey Steve! You're right on time. We're just waiting for Thor, Valkyrie and Bruce and then we can start. Everyone's already in the room. Head on down," Tony told Steve. He grinned as he saw the two of them, hand in hand, going over to the TV room. Romanogers, Tony whispered to himself. Steve turned to him, an eyebrow raised, but Tony just pretended he didn't say anything.

   Right then, Thor, Valkyrie and Bruce arrived together. Thor's mom was going to send him to Tony's house, and since Valkyrie and Bruce didn't have a way to get there, Thor's mom suggested that she send them there too.

   "Hey guys! Everyone's already here, lets go!" Tony said. The trio smiled at him and followed him to the TV room.

   "Alright guys! Everyone's here, lets start!" Tony exclaimed excitedly and took the TV remote to select the first episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine. Valkyrie sat next to Thor, but only after she was fully seated and the episode was playing did she realise that she was sitting next to Carol. Well shit, I won't be able to concentrate now, Valkyrie thought.

   Carol glanced to her side to realise that Valkyrie had sat down next to her. She looked in the opposite direction so that Valkyrie couldn't see the blush coming on to her face. When she turned, she was met by a giggling Peter, who was trying his best to contain his laughter. It just made her cheeks burn even more. "I'm... so sorry-eheh, so sorry, its just so funny-" he broke down in laughter again.

   "What's so funny?" Carol asked, although she pretty much knew what Peter was laughing about.

   "Its just-*wheeze*, you seem like the type of person who could intimidate anyone, and then when you're around Valkyrie you-" Carol cut him off by covering his mouth with her hand.

   Valkyrie heard her name coming from her right, so she looked over only to see Peter giggling uncontrollably while Carol tried to shut him up by covering his mouth. Carol turned to face her, smiling awkwardly. Shit, she's cute, Valkyrie thought, turning to her left so that Carol couldn't see the blush which was creeping up her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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