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'Let me tell you a joke.' Pete's eyes twinkled. 'What did the egg say to the boiling water?'

'I don't know,' I said, taking a bite out of the cheesy slice of pizza in my hand.

We were sitting in the last booth by the wall in the pizza place, and we were telling each other lame jokes for fun.

'It'll be a minute before I get hard, I just got laid by a chick.'

I burst out laughing and Pete chuckled with me. 'Bro, that was something ' I said, grinning at him. Pete smiled. 'I try.'

' I wonder what Patrick and Cara are doing right now.' I remarked, watching Pete dangle the last slice of pizza over his mouth.

'Probably screwing--oh wait because it's Patrick probably knitting together.' he replied with his eyes fixed on the slice of pizza that was about to make contact with his mouth.

Without thinking, I grabbed his slice and playfully dangled it over his head. 'You love pizza. I can tell.' I flashed him a smile.

'Dude you can't just take the love of my life away like that. I was just about to give it oral--' he leaned forward and tried to grab it. 'Too slow,' I laughed, whipping it the other way.

'Oh you're going to regret this,' his eyes playfully met mine. He stood up from his side of the booth and walked over. 'PETE AND PIZZA PETE AND PIZZA PETEZZA.' I started to laugh. 'Oi, fuck off Pete,' I said between gasps of laughter as he tried to lunge at the pizza. He started tickling me and I squirmed in between his arms, laughing my head off.

He was literally on top of me when an old lady walked by, wide-eyed. She scurried off quickly, her hand over her chest.

'We scared her.' Pete started laughing and his eyes locked with mine. 'You fucking bitch.'

I grinned at him. 'Grr.'

The pizza was forgotten and suddenly his lips were on mine. He kissed me slowly, and his fingers entertwined with mine. I kissed him back. Hard. I felt his surprise and I smirked against his neck.

'I barely know you, pretty boy,' I whispered. 'You stole my pizza, Catwoman,' he replied raspily.

I straightened up, and he did too, panting slightly. 'That was pretty great,' he said finally. 'Where's my pizza?'

'Here.' I dropped the pizza slice onto the plate. 'It fell on the floor.'

Pete pouted. 'You owe me the love of my life.'

I grinned. 'I'll repay you tonight.'

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