Double Date - Part 2

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'Look. There's Patrick over there.' I squinted, making out a small figure clutching some roses.

'Shit! I'm fucking scared.' Carallen started to panic. 'What if--'

'Hey. Calm down alright?' I turned her around to face me. 'Cara. You look bomb tonight. Remember, someone's getting laid tonight.' Carallen took a deep breath. Her grey eyes met mine. 'Selina. You're the best.' she suddenly quivered, and bent over. 'Oh my GOD. ARE YOU OKAY?' I grabbed her as she shuddered violently. With laughter.

'I love the whole smoky look going on, hun.' I glared at her. 'Fuck you. I hope you--'

'COME ON SELINA.' she grabbed me and pulled me after her, a grin spreading from ear to ear.


Patrick was blushing slightly, and he shyly handed over the roses to Carallen. 'You look beautiful today, Cara.'

I watched as Cara blushed and giggled. 'I love your fedora, Patrick.'

'Thank you.' There was a pause, and both stared deeply into each other's eyes.

I involuntarily shuddered. 'I'm Selina.' I said hastily.

'Nice to meet you,' Patrick said, smiling stupidly. Love bird.

'Didn't you say your friend's coming along too?' Cara asked, casually closing the awkward distance between her and Patrick.

'Oh, Pete? That asshole's late.' Patrick replied irritably. 'I told him, I reminded him that I'm- I mean- we're all going to the cinema and he still--'

'Yo PATRICK!' a voice sounded loudly from behind. 'JESUS CHRIST!' I jumped and resisted the urge to swear. Good impression on best friend's future boyfriend okay, Selina? You can do this.

A guy slightly taller than Patrick appeared from behind, laughing. 'I'm so sorry. Did I scare you?' He had dark hair - almost black - and it was cut so that his hair looked layered and floppy. His purple hood covered his messy hair which poked out over his right eye, which was smudged with eyeliner. He nonchalantly pushed away the hair that fell over his chocolatey brown eyes, and he grinned widely at me, laughing uncontrollably. He was pretty fucking cute.

'Yeah, fuck you dude.' I replied, smiling.

'For Pete's sake,' Patrick sighed in exasperation while Pete sniggered. 'I told you--'

'Okay big man,' Pete butted in, 'Are we going to watch the film or are we not?'

'WOOOO let's go, Patrick!' Cara slipped her arm in Patrick's, and bounced off, with Patrick turning a shade of brilliant red and a grin that could light up the entire street.

It was only a few seconds later that I realised that Pete and I were alone. 'Hey. I'm Pete. What's your name, scaredy-cat?' he flashed me a playful smile.

'Pete's a lame name,' I replied smirking. 'My name's Selina. The same Selina as Catwoman in Batman.'

'Oooh, what a bad bitch.' he chuckled and his brown eyes seemed to dance. 'Let's go, Selina. I don't wanna miss out on any action that Pat gets tonight. By the way, I love the smoky eye look going on.' laughing,  he grabbed my arm and we ran together into the fluoroscent cinema where Patrick and Carallen waited, arm in arm.

'Dylan o'Brien looked hella fine,' Cara remarked excitedly. Her head rested on Patrick's shoulders, and both of their faces were flushed and they beamed like sheep.

'The film was okay,' Pete said, glancing at me and rolling his eyes at the couple. 'So. Where are we going?'

'It's ten past eleven already.' Patrick looked worried. 'Cara, do you want me to drive you--'

'WHOA.' Pete pulled Patrick aside, a cunning smile etched across his face. Cara looked at me in confusion, and I shrugged in response.

'What Patrick means to say is--'

'Do you wanna crash at my place? I mean, um, come over? I live with three other dudes including Pete. It's pretty late, so, uh--'

'Hell yes.' Cara grinned and pulled Patrick towards her. 'Let's have some fun tonight.'

They turned to leave, hand in hand.


'Take the metro, you lazy ass,' Patrick replied without looking back. Cara looked back at me and winked. 'Have fun, you two. See you later!' she yelled.

'Well.' Pete sighed and looked at me. His hood shrouded his face and he looked so mysterious at that moment --and did I mention smoking?

'Do you wanna grab some pizza? I am craving for that golden slice of loveliness.' he said. I shrugged. 'Sure.'

He didn't move. 'You're gorgeous, aren't you, Catwoman?' I tried to suppress a smile. 'Not so bad yourself, Pete.'

He grinned, and started to pick up his pace. 'Come on. I NEED PIZZA.' I laughed and ran after him, my eyes never straying from those brown eyes that watched me tantalisingly.

Love, Sex, Deathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن