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"We're back!" Pete yelled. "Oh wait. It's one in the morning."

I laughed, somewhat delirious in his presence. "You fucking idiot." I glanced around at the house that Pete shared with his roommates. It was messy--but it was also very neat in some places. It was like their house was bipolar. A pile of chocolate wrappers was on the coffee table, and there were chip crumbs on the sofa. The flower vase was empty and lying on its side, and a cup of long cold coffee stood next to it. On the other side of the room, the pile of CDs were neatly organised and a stack of books colour co-ordinated.

A head with a huge mess of hair poked out from the dimmed hallway. "Shut the fuck up--oh you've brought a guest."

"That's Joe," Pete said. "This is Selina."

"Hey." Joe said. "Make yourself home. If Pete's a dick, tell me."

I chuckled. "Sure will."

'Hey man, where's Patrick and Cara?" Pete said. Joe shrugged. "They've been in Patrick's room for the past hour. I didn't hear anything over my headphones so..."

Pete rolled his eyes and turned to me. "So. Where to? Should we barge in Pat's room or should we chill in mine?" I shrugged. "Whatever." A sly smile appeared on Pete's face. "Well, let's go spy on Pat." I laughed, and he beckoned me to follow, tiptoeing until we stopped in front of a the second door in the hallway with a hat that said "I Heart Bingo" hanging on the doorknob. "Shh." he mouthed.

He leaned his ear against the door. He started grinning really big and gently pulled me down to listen as well. I could hear muffled movement inside, but I knew it was from the bedsheets being disturbed. "His eyes raised upwards and widened as we both heard a crash within - followed by laughter. Aw." Pete grinned, his brown eyes meeting mine. "I think homeboy's hit homerun tonight."

He stood up, and held out his hand. "Let's chill in my room. We'll leave the two to their fun." I smiled and took his outstretched hand. The third door down the hallway opened as we were walking along, and a VERY tattooed guy walked out. "Did you hear anythi - Oh! Hey. Did you bring a friend, Pete?" he asked, winking at Pete. Pete gave me a sideways glance and grinned. "Yeah. But I dunno. What ARE we Selina?" he asked teasingly. I rolled my eyes. "We're bypassers. I'm Selina by the way." The VERY tattooed guy laughed. "I'm Andy. Love your sense of humour. Pete here? He thinks he's the shit. Dunk him in the toilet for me will ya?" he nudged Pete in the shoulder and turned back into his room. "I  was going to tell Pat to keep the noise down but I guess I should tell you to keep it down as well." he said, winking. 

I blushed and glanced Pete grinning at me with that stupid smile of his. "We will!" he yelled. He casually put his hand on my shoulder and steered me forward to the last room in the hallway. "Don't mind the mess," he said as he pushed open the door. There were piles of clothes everywhere. I mean literally EVERYWHERE. Posters of bands that I recognised were stuck all over the wall next to his unmade bed. His curtains were half drawn and a bass guitar was in the corner of his room. 

He started kicking his clothes away into a messy and growing pile of clothes in a hidden corner, while I walked towards the bass in the corner. "You play bass?" Pete had finished shoving his clothes in the corner and he walked towards me with a beam. "Yeah. Me and the guys have a band called Fall Out Boy and we've been working on an album. I play bass, Andy plays drums, Joe plays guitar and good ol' Patrick plays guitar and sings. The dude's crazy talented." 

"Here," he sat back on his bed, and shoved the dark bedsheets aside. "Have a seat." I raised my eyebrows skeptically. "When did you last jerk off?" My question took him by surprise. "Um-" 

"I'm kidding!" I laughed, giving him a punch on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, I ALWAYS do this with my friends. Guys AND girls. It's just my sense of humour" He rubbed his neck sheepishly and grinned. "Is your sense of humour called 'I like making people uncomfortable?'" I laughed at that. "I guess."

There was a pause. He stared at his hands, which I noticed were pretty small. He was a pretty short dude after all, only slightly taller than me. I was about to say something to break the silence when he looked back up, a triumphant smile on his face. "Hey. Didn't you say you were going to pay me back for the slice of pizza that I dropped?" 

I smirked at him and took out my wallet. I always play hard to get. "How much?" 

Pete didn't say anything, just looked at me with his dark, beautiful eyes. "You." he whispered, grabbing the wallet and tossing it into the pile of clothes he shoved in the corner. I yelped in indignation, but succumbed as he leaned in and kissed me. His lips parted and he pulled me close. My lips moved in sync with his and I pressed my body against him. His lips were sweet. They tasted of the lemonade he had at the pizza place, and god, he was a great kisser. His tongue prodded mine almost shyly. I smirked against his lips, and our tongues met almost furiously. His hand maneuvered up my thigh and onto my waist, and mine moved down from his shoulders to his thigh. His hand tugged at my dress and the look he flashed me with his smudged eyes sent me shivers down my spine. This dude is fucking sexy. 

I pulled back and his lips parted unwillingly with mine. I started unzipping his hoodie and he kicked his shoes off as I did. He stared at me with half-parted eyes which looked almost delirious, and he had this lazy, confident smile that just made me want him. I wanted him. When I took off his hoodie and his shirt off I was surprised at the amount of tattoos this guy had. I didn't know he could be any more hotter. But he did with his full sleeve of tattoos. As I unbuckled his belt he lifted my chin up and smiled at me. "You're hot." he whispered.  I kissed him in reply and tugged off his tight skinny jeans. 

"Your turn," he said, grinning. I pulled off my shoes and I put my arms around his shoulder as his hands slipped under my thighs to lift the t-shirt dress above my head. He tossed my dress on the floor next to his hoodie and he looked me up and down, a smirk on his face as he licked his lips. "Selina, Selina, Selina."

I returned the smirk and pushed him down on the bed. "Pete. It stands for Peter doesn't it?" He grinned and pulled me down on top of him. "Sounds like a grandpa's name." 

He bit my earlobe playfully and whispered. "Oh it sounds alright when girls moan it though." I laughed, and I let out a tiny gasp as he started kissing me on the neck. "So you do this with a lot of girls then?" I asked teasingly. I didn't exactly know why I asked. But I did. His lips traced the edge of my jawline and onto mine. "I mean, who could resist me, Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the Third, the dude who has as long a package as his full name?" I laughed, but his kisses swallowed my sarcastic response, and I let them go willingly. I could feel his dick hardening underneath me as we grinded against each other. He let out a tiny moan. "Nope. I can't take this anymore."

He pushed me off with a lingering kiss, and pulled off his boxers. He climbed on top of me instead. "I like being in charge." he whispered, taking off what was left of the fabric on my body. He inserted me slowly and I gasped as he pushed himself in me. My fingers grasped his back and one his hands were underneath me while one he kept pressed onto the bed. He rocked his body into mine and god, it felt good. I was panting and gasping as he did so, and my fingers definitely left angry marks on his back. He grinned and let out a moan, ducking his head beneath my neck on my chest. 

"Peter." I moaned in response.

Fuck." he muttered, as he grinded against me. "Fuck. Fuck."

I kissed his neck and sucked on it playfully. Pete moaned and his thrusts went from lazy to rough. "Fucking hell Selina," he groaned, his fingers tracing my waist. I pulled him further into me, and pushed his back back onto the bed as I climbed on top. "Bitch it's my turn." I whispered. I rode him so hard and so fast that we both ended up collapsing onto each other and our desires both exploding into each other. 

"I am so glad I decided to be the third wheel." he whispered on my neck. I laughed in return, wrapping my leg around his body. "Never thought I'd say that, but yeah, me too." He turned his head on the pillow to grin at me, and I couldn't help but grin back. 



We both said each others names at the name time, and we burst out laughing. "You're gorgeous," I whispered. His lazy eyes roamed my face then stopped when they met my eyes. "Oh fuck me again," he murmured. 

"As you wish, Peter Pan." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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