The Throne Room

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The room was cold. It was quiet. Surround by the darkness of the Sith Lord Palpatine. And there he stood. In his cloak, covering his face. He was connected to a machine that had kept him alive for so many years. The Emperor standing there now frightened. Trying to hide his fears through an evil grin. The Emperor knew he was no match for Rey and Ben. They were strong with the force and strong within each other. So he decided to do what he does best; manipulation. Ben and Rey stood their before the Emperor waiting for what he would say. Ben and Rey were standing side by side, Rey with Luke's lightsaber and Ben with Leia's. The Emperor stood silent for a few seconds and began to speak.
"The force is strong with both of you, I have never seen anything like what the two of you have. You are both a dyad in the force. A connection so strong, unbreakable by any power. You are both one in the force yet physically separate. Ahh yes I sense your power. I sense the strong bond between the two of you. I sense something else as well. I sense it YES it is what I hoped for. You share love for each other. The same love that turned your grandfather to the dark side." said the emperor never once making eye contact with either of them.
Speaking to them in a strong tone but through it you could sense his fear. Ben's eyes turned to Rey.
"You- you, you love me Rey?" Rey's head turned to Ben
"How are we doing this? How are we speaking without actually speaking? Is the force connecting us? Like telepathically?"
Ben stood their. He had realized what he had just discovered. A telepathic communication between him and Rey. He didn't know how he had discovered it. He only knew that he needed that question answered. He looked up at Rey again, this time with his eyes staring intensely at Rey. His hazel eyes looking into her beautiful green eyes, Ben repeated his question,
"Rey, do you love" Rey staring back at him,
"I love you, I love Ben" Bens eyes lit up and he said
"After everything?"
Rey with reassurance in her face said "After everything, I got Ben back. Everything was worth it if it all led up to the death of Kylo Ren and the redemption of Ben Solo. I've always loved Ben."
Ben in disbelief yet comforted that Rey shared the same feeling he felt for her since their fight in the woods when he picked her up. "Ahahahaha"
They both turned back to the Emperor.
"The love that you share will be the rise of my power just as it was with Lord Vader."
Said Palpatine with an evil grin on his face. "You're wrong about that"
said Ben with a stern look on his face. Rey and Ben both turned their sabers on and got ready to fight. Palpatine angry that his manipulative ways hadn't  broken or even disturbed the dyad as he believed, he said
"Stand together, die together"
He proceeded too use the force to push them and throw their lightsabers out of their hands. He brought them both onto their knees and began to suck the life force out of them.
"The life force of your bond, your dyad, with the power to create life itself, to plant seeds for generations. And now the power of two restores the one true emperor."
He continues to take the life force out of them until they collapse. Palpatine begins to laugh and uses his electric shock to take down some of the resistance pilots above him. He continues to laugh. He thinks this is it. He thinks he has finally won. But while the Emperor is having his fun, Ben begins to rise he pulls both lightsabers towards him and picks up Rey. He grabs her by her waist and they lock eyes. There is no distance between them. They're so close that they can feel each others heartbeat. Ben's hand never leaving Reys waist. Though seeming impossible Ben pulls Rey closer to him. Needed the touch of her lips on his.
"Not now Ben, later I promise" says Rey through their new found telepathic communication.
"As you wish my love" says Ben.
"Let's finish this Ben, together" says Rey.
They power their sabers and the Emperor hears it. He turns to them both and begins to strike his electric shock against the both of them. The two protect themselves by crossing their lightsabers and deflecting the shock and throwing it back to Palpatine. Ben and Rey look at each other and begin to push themselves forward they use all their power and strength so that Palpatine can die with his own power. Their bodies are trembling, they are sweating, they are tired but they continue to push forward. And just then, in a matter of seconds, Palpatine collapsed. In exhaustion, Rey collapses as well. For more force life had been previously been taken out of her when he healed the injured creature in the underground pits on Pasaana and she had healed Ben's saber wound as well. She was barley breathing. Ben saw Rey collapse and tired himself, he used everything in him to go to Rey. He checked her pulse and he couldn't find one. His heart dropped. This couldn't be it. She couldn't be gone. Not now. No not now he couldn't have the love of his life leave him. He had just turned, turned for her. Ben began to cry, he knew what he had to do. He put his hands over Rey.
"Be with me" he whispered.
For a second he heard nothing. So he repeated it,
" Be with me"
And just then, he heard them. All of them. All the past Jedi were the with him. Transferring life force into Ben so that he could save Rey. He heard them all say
"We are here Ben."
And it was then when he heard the voice of his grandfather, Anakin.
"Ben, I'm proud of you. You are finishing what I never could. You have brought the one you love back to you. And you did it without falling to the dark. I couldn't be more happy to have a grandson like you. All the past Jedi live in you now Ben. As they will now also live in Rey."
At that moment, Rey's hand came over Ben's her body arose. She stared deeply into his eyes. Ben's arms around Rey supporting her delicate body. He held her close. He looked at her. Examined her from head to toe. It was her. She was back. He was hers. He couldn't say anything, all he could do was stare at the beautiful woman sitting before him. And the best part? She was his. And she would be his forever. Rey lifted her hand and placed it gently on Ben's face. Touching it and caressing it to make sure he was real, that he was there. She stroked his cheek with her fingers and then grew a smile on her face.
"Ben" said Rey with a smile on her face.
She needed him as much as she knew he needed her. One more stare into Ben's eyes. She closed hers and drew her lips close to his. She locked her lips with his. Ben drew Rey closer to deepen the kiss. She held his face. She held him as if it would be the last time she held him. She wouldn't let Ben go. Not now, not ever. As they broke apart, Ben looked into Rey's eyes. He moved his hand down from the back of her neck to her lower back. And for the first time, Ben smiled. Rey smiled even more because she knew that for the first time in probably forever, Ben was truly happy. Ben went in for another kiss just as they were disrupted by the falcon. Running out came Finn and Poe.
"Rey is that you? Are you okay?" Said Finn with worry in his voice.
Him and Poe ran towards Ben and Rey. Ben and Rey got up from the floor. Rey took a few steps forward to meet her friends in a hug. "Hey what are you doing down here with Kylo Ren? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Said Poe.
He had anger written all over his face.
"No, no, no he saved my life. He's with us. He won't hurt us. He won't hurt anyone."
Ben just stood their behind Rey, trusting that she knew what she was doing.
"Rey are you sure about this?" Said Finn in an almost scared tone of voice yet his face remained hard.
Rey turned to Ben then turned back to Finn and Poe.
"Guys if we could all go onto the ship and talk. Please?" Asked Rey.
She grabbed Ben's hand and boarded him onto the Falcon. Ben's eyes began to water and a tear came down his cheek as he walked into it knowing it was his fathers. Not a tear of sadness but in remembrance of how much his father loved him. Poe in front of Ben turned to him and said,
"Hey Ren no funny business on this ship."
"It's Ben." Said Ben.
"What?" Said Poe.
"My name is Ben. And you have my word, no funny business. I promise."
Ben sat on a seat in the ship and Rey sat next to him. She put her hand in his. Ben locked his fingers with hers and looked up at Rey. He pushed a loose strand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. Ben held his hand on her face. Stroked her cheek and moved his head into Rey's. He tilted his head and put his lips on Rey's. It was a short small peck. But enough to bring that smile back on Ben's face. Ben's smile was everything to Rey.
"Hey! Woah when did this happen?" Said Poe in a joking manner.
"Yeah Rey we left you alone for like an hour. You have a lot to tell us." Finn said while trying to hide his laughter.
Rey got up and looked at Ben and smiled. She released her hand from Ben's and walked towards her friends.
"Yes, we do have a lot to talk about" Rey said. She didn't have a smile on her face anymore but she wasn't sad or angry. She had a face of reassurance knowing that everything was going to be okay.
Finn Poe and Rey went into another area of the millennium falcon to talk. They came out about 30 minutes later. Ben stood up as soon as he saw Rey walk into the place where he had been seated. Rey sat next to Ben. And next to her sat Finn and Poe.
"Okay so let's get right to it" said Poe.
"As the new Generals in command, we have made our decision on what to do with you, Kyl-I mean Ben. You have committed many crimes—"
"I know I have and I am willing to pay for each one of them" said Ben before he was cut off by Finn
"Hey hey hey I wasn't done. So as I was saying, you have committed many crimes, BUT you did bring Rey back to us. And that is more than enough for us. We forgive you. Well at least we're getting there. But we won't punish you. Though we accept you, we're only doing this for Rey. The others may not be so welcoming. So this is what we agreed on" said Finn
"We have agreed to let you and Rey 'runaway' together. Nobody will ever find out, you two will be safe. We will supply you with everything you guys need. You will be under the protection of the resistance. Where you choose to go is up to you" said Poe
"Well there are two things I have to do before we can go. I promised Finn and Poe that I would go back to the rebel base and address the people. I will let them know that I am taking a departure to find my peace and regain my strength with the force" said Rey
"And the second one?" Asked Ben
"You'll see" said Rey.

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