Best Day

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Ben awoke from his sleep and saw Rey lying next to him. He thought she was the most beautiful woman alive. He stared at her and smiled. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and whispered,
"I'll be back in a bit Rey."
Ben left the bed and put on a shirt. He went down stairs and made himself something quick to eat and went out to the garden. He slowly closed the door behind him and boarded the falcon. He had already previously sent out the message to Finn and Poe telling them he would be arriving before sunrise. He turned the ship on and headed for Ajara. A few minutes later he arrived at the rebel base. Finn and Poe had been waiting there outside for Ben. He saw them and they motioned a place for him to land.
"Hey you think his gonna kill us? Like maybe he has a ton of droids that are gonna kill us all. Or maybe he really just wants to talk to us. But about what? I don't know Poe, should we trust him?" Babbled Finn for what felt like forever.
"We'll be fine Poe. Don't worry too much. I'll protect you. You're so damn annoying when you talk like that." laughed Poe.
"Oh yeah but it's real cute when you do it right?" Exclaimed Finn with heavy sarcasm in his voice.
By the time Finn and Poe were done with their discussion, Ben had already landed but the sun wasn't out yet so they could not see very clearly.
"Wow Rey was right. You two arguing is pretty funny. You sound like an old married couple." Chuckled Ben.
"Very funny Solo" mumbled Poe and then he turned to Finn and smiled.
They both turned back to Ben when he asked where they would be discussing. Finn lead them to one of the camp sites and they sat.
"Alright Solo what's this about?" Asked Finn
"Okay well, see here's the thing. I love Rey, with all my heart. She is my everything and the reason I wake up in the morning. I wouldn't be happy or maybe even alive without her. She gives me life and joy. And I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want to be there every morning when she wakes up and tell her she's beautiful. I want to spend my nights with her in my arms. I want to start a family with her. I want to give her what she never had the opportunity to have. But the first step in doing that, would be to marry her. Now this is something that is usually asked to the parents but you guys are the only family Rey has. So may I have your blessing to marry Rey?" Asked Ben with fear in his eyes that they might say no.
Finn and Poe looked at each other and nodded their heads.
"Yes, you have our blessing to marry Rey. But we have to be invited to the wedding. And-"
"And if you break her heart or hurt her I swear I will search the whole galaxy and I will find you. And when I find you, it won't be fun" cautioned Finn and also cutting off Poe.
"On and one more thing." Said Poe.
"Propose to her with this ring. It was your mother's. Rey would love it." Smiled Poe. It was a silver ring with a diamond in the shape of a heart on it. There was an inscription on the ring which said "Ben solo, the new love of my life" Ben looked up at Poe once he read it. "You're mother got that ring the day you were born. She really loved you a lot. So do you want to say for breakfast?" Asked Poe.
"Thank you for your offer but I should be heading home now. I don't want Rey to wake up without me." Smiled Ben and then walked away into the falcon. He looked at the ring as he left.
Finn remained staring at Ben walk off into the distance as be boarded his ship.
"Hey are you staring at his ass?" Questioned Poe
"What no no I was just I-I just wanted to make sure he got on his ship safely."
"Yeah yeah yeah save it Finn. I saw you. I mean what's so great about his ass anyway? Causes I know damn well it's not better than mine." Blurted Poe in a joking manner.
Finn laughed and went back inside with Poe, putting his arm around him.

A few moments after Ben left Ajara he arrived back on Naboo. He had a huge smile on his face the whole ride back. Happy that he would finally be marrying the woman of his dreams. He landed the ship and came out. He snuck back into the house and closed the door quietly. He went back upstairs and entered his room. And there Rey was sleeping looking so peaceful, like an angel. Ben removed his shirt and lied down next to Rey. He pulled her small body close to his and placed his head in the crook of her neck. They remained like that for quite some time. For this felt like the first time to them that they were actually getting a good nights rest.

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