Best thing that's ever been mine

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They walked out through the back doors of their home. The garden was beautiful. It was huge and green and had many plants that Rey had never seen before. Coming from a desert planet, this was all Rey had ever dreamed of and more. There were flowers of any and every color imaginable. Some were tall and some were short. Some were wide and some were thin. Rey ran out to touch them. As she ran, she let go of Ben's hand and went to a beautiful yellow flower. She got down and sniffed the flower. It was so pretty to Rey. Ben smiled seeing how the simple things made Rey so happy.
"Ben this is so beautiful. I love it out here. Have you ever seen anything like this?" Shouted Rey to Ben with a smile.
"Yeah I have. My mother loved flowers. As a little boy I used to go pick some and give them to her as a gift. I'm surprised you've never seen one Rey. How come?" Questioned Ben.
"Well, when you spend most of your life on Jakuu, all you see is sand. I've gotten to the point where I don't like sand. I like this, the greenery. It's so comforting. Reminds me of our base back on Ajara. I loved it there because of all the plants. I'd never been around so much color." Replied Rey.
"Shall we pick some to decorate the house?" Asked Rey.
"Yeah I think that would be great. Then we could go look at the sunset and waterfall after" concurred Ben.
Ben walked to Rey and put his arm around her. Rey smiled and they walked and looked at all the beautiful flowers. Ben found a lavender colored flower and plucked it from the ground. He looked at it and smiled. He walked towards Rey and put his arm around her waist from behind. Rey smiled and put her hand over Ben's. Ben spun around Rey causing her to drop the flowers she had collected. He had his left hand on her hip and his right lifting up her chin. He looked into Rey's eyes and took the flower and placed it in her hair. Rey smiled and then Ben smiled. Rey bent down and got on her knees to pick up the flowers. Ben got down and rolled her under him. He laughed and Rey laughed. Ben lowered his head and then kissed Rey. Rey looked at Ben and then rolled him over. Ben sat up and held Rey in his arms. He put his head on her shoulder. Rey gave Ben a kiss on the cheek. She got up and collected all her flowers. Ben still lying on the grass with his legs stretched out. Rey turned back to Ben,
"Let's go back inside Ben. We can watch the sunset another day."
"Well then come help me up" answered Ben.
"Fine." Replied Rey
She went over to help Ben get up and she couldn't pick him up or even move him. He was to big and strong for her.
"Ben you know I can't pick you up." Said Rey.
"Yeah I know it's just so cute to see you try" laughed Ben.
Rey grinned and shook her head. Ben got up and walked alongside Ben back to their home. As they walked in, Ben and Rey began to decorate their home with flowers. Rey put an assortment of flowers in each room and bathroom of the house. As Ben was placing the flowers in their room, he opened one of the drawers in the bathroom of their room. There were lots and lots of candles in there. This struck Ben with an idea..... He wanted to surprise Rey with a beautiful candle lit dinner. But then, he had an even better idea. He should prepare a whole day with Rey and end it with a candle lit dinner and propose to her after dinner. Ben smiled at this idea. So he plopped down in the bathroom and began to think.
"How would I do this? What would we do to start out the day?" Thought Ben to himself.
Then Ben thought he would start the day by waking up Rey to some breakfast that he cooked. He knew Rey never had full meals on Jakuu so he was going to give her a great breakfast. Then he would take her on the falcon and they would go visit his grandmothers grave. After that, Ben would take Rey to the markets and buy her anything she'd like. After that they'd go to a restaurant for a quick lunch and then head home. Ben would tell Rey to freshen up as he set up the dinner. He would have everything set up but try to distract her somehow to pass the time a little bit. Ben would get ready himself. Then he would go down to the dining area and call for Rey's help. She would come down running to help him and Ben would surprise her with dinner. They would eat and then he would take her out to the garden to watch the sunset and propose.
"Wow that's a pretty romantic day. Wonder how I came up with all that..... Well I am a Solo after all." Thought Ben to himself and smirked.
"Ben are you still up there, are you okay?" Shouted Rey from downstairs.
"Ye-yeah im up here. Just finished putting the flowers in our room and our bathroom." Replied Ben.
"Our room." Rey whispered to herself.
"I like that." She smiled.
Ben got up from the bathroom feeling proud of his plan hoping to execute it two weeks from today. He didn't want to rush anything and he wanted them to feel more comfortable around each other and in their home. Ben also wanted to ask permission of Finn and Poe before he proposed to Rey. He knew it was typically the parents who got asked but Finn and Poe were the closest thing Rey had to family. He would go tomorrow to ask them before Rey woke up. He would send a message to Finn and Poe letting them know he would be coming and at what time so they could meet privately. He smiled in excitement. Then he put his hands behind his head and realized he still had on his black shirt with the hole in it. He figured he probably needed a shower. He searched the drawer next to the side of the bed he was laying on. He found a ton of clothes for him and of course they had only supplied him with black clothes. Ben gathered his clothes and headed for the bathroom. He placed his clothes down and pulled a towel from the drawer. He peeked into the shower to see if everything he needed was already in there and surely it was. Ben turned the water on and set it to very warm. Ben liked the water very warm. He didn't like it warm or hot. He liked it very warm which was strange because he never understood why he liked the water like that but he did. After he turned the water on he closed the door to the bathroom and began to undress himself. Ben was looking forward to taking a nice long shower. Once he was fully undressed, he stepped into the shower and began to cleanse himself. Meanwhile Rey was downstairs and it was getting late. She figured she would make herself and Ben some dinner. She had no idea how to cook, but she was determined to figure it out. She found some instructions that showed her exactly what to do. She did as the instructions said and Rey found it surprisingly simple. All she had to do was cook some sort of meat and throw it in a bowl of greens and other colorful vegetables that she had never seen before. She served two plated and pored two glasses of water.
"Ben there's food if you're hungry" shouted Rey from downstairs.
About two minutes passed and no reply.
"Ben" shouted Rey once again. And no reply.
Rey's heart began to race. She ran upstairs calling out for Ben. She ran into their bedroom and still no reply from Ben. Rey became frightened.
"Where is he!" Rey thought to herself.
Without thinking she burst the door open of the bathroom. And standing there was a tall, naked figure. Rey could do nothing. She froze and choked on her own words. She examined Ben's body from head to to. And wow. He was perfect. Rey couldn't help but stare right below his magnificent abs. She was amazed and impressed.
"I-uh-umm- I made food and I called you but I didn't get a reply and I got scared I'm so sorry." Apologized Rey yet being unable to take her eyes off of Ben.
Rey closed her eyes and a tear ran down her cheek. She was a little embarrassed. Ben quickly wrapped himself in a towel and went over to Rey. He wiped her tear and gave her a smile.
"Hey, it's okay. Don't be embarrassed." Comforted Ben.
He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and said, "I'll be down in a minute my princess." Said Ben.
"Alright I'll see you there." Replied Rey with a soft smile.
Rey went downstairs and sat and less than two minutes later Ben was there sitting with her. Rey couldn't help but stare at Ben. Especially when his beautiful long hair was wet, it drove her crazy. Ben looked and Rey and ran his fingers through his hair to put it back. Ben noticed Rey's staring as he began to eat his food. He chuckled. They continued to eat in silence until Ben was done with his food.
"So Rey, I couldn't help but notice you staring at me earlier. I know we said we weren't going to rush anything but I hope you enjoyed the view." Then Ben winked. He got up, placed his dish down and washed it. He thanked Rey for the food and went up to their room. Rey couldn't help but smile. Ben knew what he was doing. He was sly but Rey knew better than to give into him. As badly as Rey wanted Ben, she was going to make him wait for teasing, and messing with her like that. Rey finished her food and washed her dish. She picked everything up really quick and went up to their room. When she arrived she noticed that Ben was asleep. Rey smiled. Ben looked so cute and peaceful when he slept. Rey went to her side of the bed and looked in her drawer. She took the flower Ben had placed out of her hair and placed it in a container that would preserve it. Then she gathered some clothes and went to go take a shower. She look a nice long shower. The clothes that had been provided was much thinner and a bit more revealing than what Rey was used to. Then again, Rey had always worn thick clothing that completely covered her from head to toe. But she was wearing a thin dress made of soft material. The dress had thin straps which Rey had never worn before, but she liked it. She looked in the mirror and admired her clean body in the beautiful sleeping gown. She turned the light off of the bathroom and went back to the bed. To her surprise, Ben was sleeping in nothing but a black pair of shorts. And there he was again, trying to get her to fall. Ben knew he was Reys only weakness and he knew how to get her. But Rey remained strong. She took her spot next to Ben and rested her body. She pushed a hair strand out of Ben's face. She touched his cheek and leaned in and kissed his forehead.
"Goodnight Ben. You are the best thing that's ever been mine." whispered Rey.
She lowered he head to her pillow and placed her hand on Ben's stomach. She traced the lines of his abs with her finger until she fell asleep. And there they both lay with their heart beating in unison.

(A/N: credit to @shadowlass on tumblr for the artwork)

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